|13| So friends?

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This chapter is dedicated to
Thank you so much for everything Inu.

The greatest gift of life is-
Friendship.-Hubert.H. Humphrey.

I'll write all the thinking in 'italic font'.

Third person POV:

Marley was on her bed with unshed tears in her eyes.

Every girl in the Elite Academy want Marley as Their friend.

They summoned Marley to their every party,
Every occasion, every gathering.
Not because they want her on their party, but because they want Marley to introduce them to Nolan.

They want her friendship, only for Nolan and his friends.

Sick twisted mind of them.

Another tear.

That was the reason she did not make any friends in the academy.
No one wants her,
They want her friendship because of her family status.

But the first time in the academy, She met someone who did not made any fake smiles just to please her.
For the first time,She wanted a friend,
To be exact, she wanted fayth as her friend.

Fayth was not like others.

Fayth didn't said the sugar-coated lies to Marley as everyone says.

Fayth was not the friendliest person she knows but Marley could manage that.

Just to know, what it feels like to have a real friendship. Not the #friendsforever friends. But the one where you can share all your happiness and burdens.

You know the friendship in which you don't have to worry about what the other person would think.
You both are real to each other., Without any lies.
You both can rely on each other.

Marley had thought that she will make fayth her friend, no matter how hard she had to try,
But now...

It's Impossible.

Her mood was beyond the definition of sadness.

Because she got the news that her roommate, fayth, wants to change the room.

Marley snickered through her tears.

I don't blame fayth,
It's my personality that no one can stand.
Of course who wants to become a friend of a girl who has a zero in personality.
Who always talks without thinking.

Marley was thinking all this when her phone rang, Breaking her chain of thoughts. Her eyes went toward the screen.

The name says, 'Father'

She cleared her throat and answered it.

"Hey dad," she said with her signature cheerful voice hiding well the girl,
Who was behind the voice.


Fayth was going toward her dorm.

But her mind was full of thoughts, Nolan to be exact.

Did he followed her all along? Did he see the ring? That was the reason about asking the engagement? Why didn't she notice him? Or there is something else? What if he is one of them?
And No. Then why the hell he cares about her whereabouts.?

There were so many questions.
And she wants the answer.

But it would end eventually,
Cause she has applied to change her dorm.,
Because of him.

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