|28| Consequenses

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Third-person POV:

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

The Royals were at the Birthday Party of Xavier. Where Xavier had a little meeting with Fayth, just to run from him, Fayth met Vanessa. And had a fun encounter with her. But when she returned, all the students were drugged and Marley was missing. Now, Aiden, Yousef, Nolan, and Vanessa are trying to find Marley, whereas most of the students are drugged.

So, let's start.

Un-edited version.


The person took a long fill of cigarette before looking toward the screen of CCTV, then grinned as they watched Royals coming toward where this person wanted them.

Old Library.

"Not that smart, Are they?"

The Royals don't know what is waiting for them Or precisely Who.

The Person ended the screen. "They are going to regret their whole existence and
I'll make sure of that." Then went out of the room with a strange-looking key in their hand and a psychic smile on their face.

"let the fun begin."


The Royals. Including Aiden, Nolan, Vanessa, and Yousef were just outside of the Old Library.

And it was exactly when Aiden felt strange. how did the person who had made all of this plan, make such an easy mistake?

He stopped, alarmed. "Guys"

But it was too late- all of them had entered the library.

"What?" Vanessa asked, looking around the library. She was so damn angry, The Bastard choose the wrong people to mess with. She waited for Aidens' answer but when there was no reply, she looked back, toward him.

Aiden glanced around the Library and then at his friends. "I think-"

Before he can share his thoughts, They all heard a loud bang! as the Library door was closed.

"-this is a trap." He ended and they all ran toward the massive door.

Nolan tried to open the door with force, But it was in vain.

Vanessa opened her cell phone, "Don't worry, We have our cell phones with us"

"Yeah right, totally forget about that." Yousef chuckled as he grabbed his phone too, All of them followed the suit.

Vanessa frowned "What is this now?" She tapped her phone in frustration, "Why is there no signal here?"

"Same here," Yousef added.

They both looked toward Aiden and Nolan as they both shook their heads.

"Are you saying, All of our cells are not working?"

They all looked at each other, This was bad. They all can feel it.

The library, in which they all had spent their childhood suddenly seemed alarming.

"I think we are trapped." Aiden was calm. "We underestimated this person."

Yousef wandered around, and the library looked empty and scary. Thier voices were echoing. "There is only one door to this Library." Then he looked at the others, "Does anyone know how to unlock this door."

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