Chapter 23

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The rest is of the week goes by without Amelia and Mom fighting. Amelia doesn't ever say anything or cross paths with us. She for some reason goes in the basement and then comes to my room at night to sleep.

She doesn't have dinners with us.

" Can you please call her to have dinner with us?" Mom says for the fifth time

I sigh in annoyance and get up. I already know she is in the basement . I find her siting in a corner . Her head is resting on her knees. She looks tiny , really small and helpless. She doesn't hear me come in so I go and shake her.

She flinches and pulls her knees closer to her chest.

" Come have dinner with us?" I say and turn around to go , when I am out of the door, I see that she is still at the same spot.

" Are you coming or not ?"

She shakes her head. I try to breathe , I try to control the need to slap her and hit her till she is black and blue. She continues to look at me and that's when I notice her swollen mouth. The way she spoke earlier with a slight lisp.

" Does your mouth hurt?" I ask her

She hesitantly nods . I sigh in annoyance and bring medicines for her burnt mouth.

I don't call her for dinner, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be able to eat even if she wanted to.

" Why isn't she eating anything?"

" Mom! Can you stop ask me these stupid questions? You can go and see for yourself why she isn't eating. Stop bothering me "

She huffs in annoyance and goes in the basement. A few minutes later she comes back with Amelia following her .

" She has burnt her mouth! You could have given her something to drink . I really need to talk to you William ! I don't know what you're doing but this just isn't it"

I go to my room. I don't understand why mom is suddenly trying to be a fucking angel. She hated Amelia , upto the point that she would even have killed her . I don't know where all the sympathy is coming from all of a sudden. This just raises my anger towards Amelia.


I'm waiting in my room for Amelia. I will teach that bitch a lesson for turning my mom against me. She must have told her that I burnt her mouth . I will make sure that she doesn't open her fucking mouth again.

I almost fall asleep when Amelia quietly enters the room. I had turned off all the lights so she would think that I was asleep. I quietly watch from the corner as she enters , carefully closes the door behind her and steps towards the bed. Before she can move , I grab her from behind and cover her mouth. I suddenly realise that she can't really scream with her tongue burnt so I let go of her mouth slowly.

I watch as she opens her mouth and then closes it as it dawns on her that she can't really make any noise. She tries to get out of my hold but I only hold her tighter. She is so engaged in getting out of my hold that she doesn't realize that I had cuffed her hands . I take a blindfold and quickly tie it on her eyes. As I let her go , she falls on the floor.

The sight of her lying on the floor with handcuffs and blindfold brings back a memory to me. I shove it on the back of my mind and ignore the tightness in my jeans.

I remove my belt and wrap it on my fist before whipping it across her body. She flinches as the hit comes out of nowhere. She moves backwards and I hit her again unexpectedly. I hit her again a few times and stop when my hands get numb . I sit on the bed until my breathing returns to normal. I watch her as she tries to get up and falls back again. Her blindfold is soaked with tears. Her gown half torn and soaked in blood and sweat. I watch her chest heave and the tightness returns in my pants but only this time I don't ignore it. I pick her up and throw her on the bed.

She looks confused for a second but as soon as she realises what's going to happen, she starts to scramble off the bed.  I rip the gown off her in one shove. It annoys the living shit out of me as she starts sobbing , so I wrap the belt tightly around her mouth.

In a minute, we both are naked and before she can react , I push into her. Her breasts bounce as I push in and out of her. I remove the blindfold and when her gaze settles on my face , I squeeze her neck. Her hands are still tied so there's nothing she can do . Fear grips her and she struggles to stay conscious.

I continue to fuck her and when she goes unconscious , I slap her across the face and instantly her eyes get wide open. I push into her and squeeze her breasts. She winces I as I get too rough. I lower myself and bite her left breast , leaving several bite marks and then I do the same to her right breasts. For some reason this doesn't really arouse me.

So I shove her on the bed and turn her on her stomach and roughly enter into her from behind. I get her on her knees and fuck her from behind. I slide my hands between her breasts and squeeze. I pull the belt as far as I can so her upper body can be accessed. I steady her on her legs and then roughly grab her breasts with both my hands, needing and squeezing them. Her nipples harden as I pinch them. Her legs give out several times and I had to slap her butt so she could get back again.

I pull out when I'm done and fall on the bed. As soon as my head touches the pillow , I'm fast asleep. In my hastiness , I forget to uncuff Amelia and to remove the belt.

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