chapter 9

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I stand in front of the mirror , the word whore is written just above my right breast. I woke up to find myself in the basement , there was so much pain that I had screamed and woken up. I remembered everything thing that happened an hour ago and I rushed in front of the mirror only to find the word whore written on me.

I was only in my bra but I didn't care. I hastily went in the living room , I wanted to confront him . My left shoulder still hurt but there was nothing I could do about it. When I didn't find him downstairs , I quickly went to his room . The room was all cleaned up , I saw him siting in the balcony smoking a cigarette. I quickly went to him . When he saw me , his eyes roamed over my body and rested on the marking.

" Why did you do this?" I asked

" I already told you "

" I'm not a whore ! " I say , tears spill from my cheeks. I can't stop crying , my legs give out and I fall on the floor sobbing. " You can't do this to me ! It's not my fault ! I didn't do anything! You were supposed to protect me " I cry out. I see everything flash before my eyes. Posie in the tub , William abusing me , trying to rape me .

My body shakes as I get up , I start walking towards the door when suddenly everything gets blurry . I whisper his name but I don't know if he hears me. I wince as my head hits the floor with a loud thud. I see William over me before I dwell into  darkness.


The next day , my body throbs in pain. It takes me a minute to realise that I'm not in the basement but Williams room. Even though this was where me and William slept everyday for 4 years , it feels wierd to lie down here. I feel nauseous and the room bring backs every memory back. I check the clock and it's 10 pm. I stretch my arms and go downstairs. I hear the television on in the living room. I quietly tip toe towards the kitchen and start finding something to eat.

I see a packet of cookies so I quickly hide them in my pants. When I turn around to go in the basement , I run into William. I gasp and move back.

" You will be staying in my room from now on " he says

" What? Why?" I say , I don't want to stay in the same room with him. The thought makes me shiver.

" Because I said so " , he grabs my arm and pushes me against the counter. He puts his hand inside my pants and removes the packet of cookies.

" I am hungry " I say

He doesn't say anything but traces the whore mark with his thumb. I shiver under his touch .

" I'm forgiving you this time but if this happens again there will be another scar and then another and it will go on until you listen to me" , he presses his thumb on the wound and I cry out as it bursts in pain.

" Go upstairs and sleep " he says and gives me the cookies back. I wipe the tears and rush upstairs. I quickly go in the washroom and take a shower. I think about all the things that happened in these past few days. Bile rises in my throat as I think about Posie , I hastily rush to the toilet , lift the seat up and puke .


When I'm out of the shower , I see William standing near the bed . There's a sort of leash in his hands. When he sees me , he tells me to come towards him .

" Kneel " he says , when I don't he forcefully makes me kneel down. He grabs the leather belt and tightly straps it around my throat. He straps it so tightly that my I start coughing. He loosens it a little and then attaches the other end to the bed. It's of such a length that I can only step a few steps away from the bed.

" You will sleep down here and don't even try to mess with the belt. I can easily send shocks through it "

He presses a button on the small remote and suddenly I feel a current around my neck. I gasp and try to remove the belt but he does it again. I gasp and scratch at my throat to make it go away.

" Use words Amelia" he says and I quickly understand what he means.

" Yes " I say but he sends under current.

" Yes sir " I repeat and that's when he stops.


I wake up in the middle of the night screaming , the currents from the belt make it harder for me to breathe. The darkness , the tight belt makes it even more worse. I scream and scratch at the belt to remove it but it doesn't even loosen. Suddenly the lights are turned on and I see Williams blurry figure standing above me. Somehow the belt gets tighter and I curl into a ball as it starts getting harder to breathe. He sends another current and increases it's frequency . I scream and thrash on the floor but he calmly watches me. ''please!! Stop it ! " I manage to say but he doesn't. I feel a cramp in my stomach and I wince as it gets even more painful . I clutch my stomach as the pain increases .

I manage to stand but the chain prevents me from going any further. I fall on my knees and try to go towards him. I stretch my hand towards him " stop it" I say and he does. I start crying " please remove this . Please! I beg you ! I'll do anything you want , I'll listen to you " . I pull at the belt to remove it, there's no gap between the belt and my throat, not even my finger is big enough to fit in that gap .

" Shh! Go to sleep " he says and turns off the light . I hear his steps moving towards the bed . I lie down and start tugging at my belt to loosen it. I don't get any sleep at all and even when I did sleep I would wake up because of the tightness of the belt. I give up trying to remove the belt and quietly cry. My eyes hurt from crying so much. Since Posie's death all I've been doing is cry constantly. When she passed away , I thought William will help me , that we both would deal with it together but he ruined me . I feel myself dying piece by piece everyday. It feels as if he is slowly destroying me , that he is cutting me into pieces and it hurts so much everyday.

Deep inside I know that it's only a matter of time before he kills me. His obsession of hurting me is increasing so much that when I finally die there won't be anyone he could torture and remove all his anger on. I'm his punching bag and he is feeding himself on my pain. The more he hurts me , the better he feels. It's as if he is someone else entirely.

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