chapter 19

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I haven't seen William for a while. He is always outside drinking and whenever he comes home , I hide in the basement. I don't want to face him when he is so inebriated. I don't want to face him at all. He blamed me for everything when he knows that it's his fault. The two miscarriages happened because of me but I didn't do anything purposely. It was low of him to bring that up when he very well knew that it would hurt me. It was something I always avoided talking about. I hated to think about it . I hated that my body couldn't handle the babies.

Back then William was extremely supportive, not once did he even imply that it was my fault. He tried to comfort as much as he could. I was depressed and he was the one who got me out of it. He used to hold me at night when I would cry or get nightmares.

It's so hard to believe that someone who used to treat ne so gently could somehow turn out to be the opposite. It was always inside him. Posie's death just pushed his last button . Deep inside I knew him , I knew he had this anger and frustration inside him but I chose to ignore it , to forgive him.

He had once pushed me so hard that my back was all black the next day. It was the very first time someone had physically abused me. The very first time William had abused me. He had apologized right then and there. He had given me flowers , chocolates the next day and I had forgiven him.

It had happened again after a few months.

I kept forgiving him and I wonder if things would be different if I would have left him.


I wake up when I hear sounds outside my door. I keep the blanket tightly wrapped around me as the door opens. William opens the door and stands there staring at me. I cannot tell if he knows I'm awake or not.

He stands there for a minute and then goes out shutting the door behind him. I breathe in relief as he disappears from my sight. The moment he had entered the room , I had imagined every worst possible scenario. I want to believe that he'll leave me alone now but it's too good to be true.

He is just giving me time to recover and then he'll be back at abusing me. I sigh and close my eyes. The thought about him coming near me leaves me shaking to my core. I curl deeper into the cold floor and try to sleep.

I open my eyes as another nightmare hits me. I give up the idea of sleeping and go towards the door. I press my ear to the door and when I don't hear anything I step out. I tip toe towards the kitchen and drink some water. Just as I close the fridge and turn around , the glass slips from my hand as my gaze settles on William.

I freeze as he starts walking towards me. I step back and as he increases his pace , I start to run back as well when I step on the glass and fall straight on my arse. Tears flow from my eyes and I scoot backwards. I start crawling when I see blood on the floor. My hands , my gown are covered in blood.

I scream as I try to get away from it but it keeps following me. William stares at me . He isn't moving and he just stands there. Everything is his fault. He should be punished not me.

" Get it off me" I scream

I manage to stand up when everything tilts, my eyes rolls in the back of my head and I fall  hitting my head on the floor so hard that I see stars for a minute. I try to open my eyes but my sight keeps getting hazy .

" It's your fault" I cry out to William, " You did this to me ! You killed my children ! It's your fault. "

The last thing I see is William looming over me  and everything goes dark.

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