La Llorona

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Time Era: unknown
Location: Latin America

La Llorona is one of the most famous legends of all time.

The Mexican version of the legend goes that a beautiful young woman from a small rural town, named María, married a wealthy nobleman. The couple had two children.

María's husband was often traveling, and when he returned to his family, María noticed that he was giving love and affection to his two sons rather than her. One day, he fell in love with another woman and returned to María's village not to talk to her, but to say goodbye to her children.

María was enraged. In a rage, she took her own children to a river and drowned them. When she came to her senses, she searched for their bodies, but the current had taken them away.

When María died, she was denied entry into Heaven until she could find her two lost children. She wanders along the banks of rivers, searching and wailing loudly.

Some of the words people have heard her cry are:

"¡Ay, mis hijos!" (Oh, my sons!)
"¿Donde estan mis hijos?" (Where are my sons?)

Her cries are said to bring bad luck, and should you ever hear them, you should run very far in the opposite direction. When her wails sound near, she is actually far away, but when she sounds far, she is near.

La Llorona kidnaps children out late at night, mistaking them for her own. She, after asking forgiveness from Heaven, then drowns the unfortunate children and continues the search. People say she only appears at night, dressed in a white gown with a veil.

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