The Bell Witch

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Time Era: 1800s
Location: Tennessee

John Bell, a farmer in 19th-century Tennessee, and his family were attacked by a malevolent spirit.

This mysterious entity was able to speak, shape-shift, and be in multiple places at the same time.

The spirit was said to be named Kate Batts. Her focus was mainly on the daughter of John Bell, Betsey. Kate apparently became particularly angry about Betsey's engagement to a local named Joshua Gardner.

The first signs were subtle. John Bell saw a strange dog-like creature. When he tried to shoot it, it vanished. John's son, Drew, saw a massive unknown bird that flew off when he tried to approach it. Betsey noticed a young girl wearing a green dress swinging on an oak tree. Dean, the Bells' slave, was followed by a large black dog whenever he went to visit his wife.

In the Bell's house itself, there were reports of knocking on the doors and walls. Sounds of gnawing on the beds, dogs fighting, and chains moving along the floor were also heard. Soon after, an invisible force pulled sheets out from the children's beds when they slept. The spirit also pulled on the children's hair and took a particular dislike to Betsey, who was apparently slapped, pinched, and stuck with pins.

The spirit was even able to speak. One investigator asked, "Who are you and what do you want?" The voice answered back, "I am a spirit; I have once been very happy but have been disturbed."

The entity was well-acquainted to the Bible and once reportedly repeated two sermons, word for word, given 13 miles apart at the same time. It also appeared to enjoy religious debates. The spirit also shared gossip about other households. It was known for mimicking other people's voices.

Kate Batts' spirit took a liking to Lucy Bell, John Bell's wife. Kate would deliver fresh fruit to her and sing.

But Kate also swore to kill John Bell. She cursed and threatened him. Eventually, John was poisoned and killed by the witch. When the mourners gathered, the witch interrupted their gathering by singing drinking songs.

Betsey Bell called off her marriage to Joshua Gardner, which the spirit was apparently happy with. She left for seven years before returning to Lucy and her sons, Richard and Joel, before again leaving.

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