The Wandering Traveller & Recall of a Promise

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Recently there has been a rumour going around about bandits getting killed as well as kidnappers dying. How did this happen?

For bandits, they had seen a lone traveller and thought they could extort some goods from him but ended up being a pile of dead bodies. While for kidnappers, they were just travelling with children and women slaves which they wanted to sell and had also encountered a traveller before they breathe their last breath.

Nobody would associate this wandering traveller to Duke Mo Jin Hai's killer, Ying Yue.

"Master, how long until we reach Zen Nation?" Element yawns as he rests on Ying Yue's shoulder.

"With this speed, I think around two months", Ying Yue sighs.

After departing from the Forbidden City capital, she encountered soldiers that wanted to capture her and her picture was pasted all around Qi Nation's land as she was wanted dead or alive.

Because of this, Ying Yue had to choose the harsh roads to avoid encountering people.

"If only I had another face prepared by Pei Zhi, then I can walk without care. Oh, how I miss that man", Ying Yue sighs while Pei Zhi who was far away from her had sneezed.

Right now, the only thing covering her face was a blue cloth and a hat she bought from a wandering merchant.

"But still, it seems that Qi Nation is very different from Zen Nation", Element said as he looks around. "Zen Nation's Jade City's roads are always filled with people hustling and bustling and you can hear some laughter and joy as the people are always smiling happily. But in the Forbidden City of Qi Nation, the capital is not as filled as Jade city and the prices are quite expensive, especially for weapons and medicine. The people here don't smile as much and most of them are either soldiers or farmers".

"It's like the difference between the rich and the poor", Element's comment made Ying Yue laugh a bit as she finds it funny.

"Indeed, this is because Qi Nation's emperor has a dictatorship system that he prioritizes the army's soldiers instead of letting his country flourish more under his rule. His greed is truly unlimited as he wants to rule the whole world I'd say", Ying Yue sneer as she finds the idea repulsive.

Qi Nation was also ruled with the rule where the weak obeys the strong and she heard that Commander General, Wu Li Jian was supposed to be the emperor instead of his younger brother, Wu Guo Hang. This was because Li Jian did not want to rule the country and was instead eager to fight to war. He was also known to raise the army full of tyranny that his soldiers are fiercely loyal to him and does not dare to betray him.

Having to meet the person himself, Ying Yue felt that indeed Li Jian was strong but the part where he was eager to go to war was a bit vague as she recalls the promise between the two from the time they met.

"Why are you telling me this, why are you helping your enemy?" Yin asks the stunning man beside her as they both looked at the starry sky.

Li Jian gave a cold smile and said, "I do not want to shed blood uselessly but I also do not want to give information for free".

Before Yin could ask, he continued saying "I want to make a deal with you".

".... What is it?" Yin was cautious of the man before him.

"In 2 years' time, I will come as the representative for the peace treaty. And we shall have a duel", Li Jian smiles at Yin. "If you lose, then the deal is off and Zen nation will be ours. But if you win then I will give you my army and you will replace me as the Commander General".

Yin was shocked and beyond words as this man before him had told her this like it was nothing.

Li Jian continues to explain saying, "I have lived my whole life trying to become the strongest and I do not want to be attached to the imperial family as my duties are binding me from doing what I want. Imperial brother could only stop me by agreeing to become the emperor but that does not mean I will stop seeking to fight with the strongest. I know that there is more beyond Zen and Qi Nation".

Yin had become speechless that she only asked if he could be trusted.

"I do not give empty words. But if you wish for proof then hold this and give it back to me in 2 years' time"

Yin held the token that spelt "1st Prince" that didn't leave her side ever since that day. But she also could not forget the words that the Commander General had spoken that day.

"I look forward to our fight in 2 years".

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