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"Tell me, Ying Yue, is there anything you wish to have at the moment? Gold? Jewellery? Money?" the Emperor asks in delight as night came and both father and daughter were asked to stay for dinner.

Ying Yue bows in respect and answers truthfully, "Royal Uncle, since what I am asking is a bit personal, I wish to state what I want when it is just the three of us if that is possible"

Everyone felt Ying Yue was getting bolder and bolder but because the Emperor had liked her already, he agrees with her request and only when it was just the Emperor, General Ying Jun and Ying Yue were left did they talk.

"Speak, what is it that you wish for?" the Emperor asks with curiosity.

Ying Yue bows to the ground and begs, "Your Majesty, please permit me to wear a mask for my debut as a soldier. I must wear this mask when I face Your Majesty in the future so please allow me to wear a mask even in your presence"

The Emperor had to ask Ying Yue to repeat her wish as he was confused.

"Why would you wear a mask?" the Emperor asks.

Ying Yue explains why she needed to wear a mask. Not only was it used to conceal her identity but it was also for safety and equality.

She wanted to wear the mask for protecting her identity so nobody could find revenge for her but also because she wanted everyone to acknowledge her ability as an individual not based on gender or looks or background.

Though the downcast in this is that anyone could imitate Ying Yue, she would make sure only those she trusts will she show her identity to. And that she will make sure nobody can copy her mask as it will be made entirely from white silicone and cover her whole face from below her eyes to her neck so they can't see if she has Adam's apple. And the only way to remove it was by cutting it off from the skin carefully. Which might be troublesome but very secure as even in battle this was going to be hard to take it off even by force.

The white mask will be decorated in red and the only way to know it is real is by noticing the character Yue which is written in the tiny letter and only those who look closely can see it. And only the three of them will know it. As Ying Yue will not tell anyone else in the future.

The Emperor was interested in her request that he said he would allow it but if in the future Ying Yue's request would create trouble then the mask will be gone forever.

With that done, Ying Yue finally gets to begin her adventure. Except now comes the hard part. Which was getting her mother to agree.

Though Ying Fan agrees to her daughter's wishes. She still does not want to see her daughter go into the battlefield. Even if the nation was peaceful at the moment, she understood it was in danger as the Zen nation was very prosperous that the surrounding nation want to conquer it, especially Jade City as it was the city that produce Jade as its primary income.

But Ying Yue was determined and told her mother she will run away just to join the army.

Knowing how stubborn Ying Yue was, Ying Fan finally agrees to her daughter's selfish request even if she knew she would regret it by the second.

Ying Yue smiles in triumph and swears to her mother she will not die until she became a legend like Fa Mu Lan.

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