Wrong dimension, sorry

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Miele's yell was cut off when she fell out of her portal onto the pavement, groaning from landing on her tailbone. She stood up brushing off the residue from a haywire dimensional portal and tried to figure out where she was. The sun shone on her short brown curls framing her baby face that was covered in freckles as her hazel eyes scanned the area. She got out her scanner and it identified the Earth she was one as Dimension 69, a dimension on the strict no travel list.

"Oh no, Mom's so going to ground me for coming here even as an accident!"

Miele quickly scanned through the culture and geography of the place she landed in to find she was in LA. She determined her dimensional suit looked close enough to a tracksuit by this Earth's definitions for her not to stand out. She got out her Vixtron from her pocket to see how long it would take to work again. Vixtrons were sort of the iPhone of other dimensions but it allowed transportation between dimensions. It needed at least an hour between jumps, but since her's was on child lock, it would take five hours. Miele was nervous, but made herself relax and look unconcerned. 

But within half an hour, she was bored. She couldn't help herself, she was a 15 year old girl stuck in a different dimension without her flying bison at least. She would have been happier with the dimension that lost half of all living life from one snap. Or even the one with the crazy clown who that was hunted down by a guy in a bat suit. But the Earth she was on was okay when she found a nice park to sit at. Until the parade of people with horse heads went past singing a song about how friendship is magic. And then came the Gevoney Whitneys who preached about some form of religion that Miele became terrified of. The scariest thing was the random group of people with a camera that came up to talk to her.

"Hey little girl, are you lost?" asked a lady with a shaved head and shades.

"Do you need help finding your parents?" asked one guy who had lots of tattoos on his arms.

"I was told not to talk to strangers, and I was enjoying the peace until you guys interrupted," Miele snarked.

"Hey, it's okay we just want to help. It's okay if you tell us that you runaway from home or something. We work at a homeless shelter for youth and you're welcome there," chuckled the third member of their group besides the camera guy.

"Can we use the footage of you in the park and our trip to the shelter in a promotional video of ours?" the lady said as they grabbed her and pulled her with them.

"No! I don't give my consent to this!" Miele yelled but no one helped her.

"It's okay, the shelter is a nice place," the woman cooed, but Miele saw the dark glint in the lady's eyes nd knew that they weren't helping her.

Miele shook off the two men that grabbed her and bolted for the park entrance. She checked the timer on her Vixtron and it read that she had atleast 40 minutes of cool down left. She had no choice but to risk getting even more trouble with her parents by pressing her distress button. The men were catching up to her, but at the entrance she saw a chance at safety with what looked like an enforcement officer.

"Help! They're trying to kidnapp me!"

That caused the group chasing her to slow down and walk away, while the enforcement officer jogged towards Miele. She panted as she calmed down and the officer radioed a few other officers to check out for the group chasing her.

"Are you okay young lady?"

"Yeah, they stopped chasing me now."

He nodded as he got a message on his radio that said the group was actually a part of a shelter out reach group. Miele knew that must be a cover up but now it caused the officer to look at her like she was trouble.

"Okay, we're you actually telling the truth or do you think this sort of prank is funny?"

Miele's adrenaline spiked from the harsh tone the officer used with her. Miele didn't stay to find out what he would do and ran away from the direction the officer and the kidnappers were in. She found herself walking on crowded sidewalks beside streets for land vehicles that exhausted fumes as they drove. Miele saw the waste some people commited and the littering that was absolutely normal to them. The people of this Earth wouldn't last long, Miele estimated a century at most of survival before their extinction from non-sustainable practices. 

No wonder no one wanted to come to this dimension, she thought, the people are all horrible!

Miele was happy when she heard the beeping from her pocket that her Vixtron was in. The cool down must have been finished which meant she could get out of this awful dimension's Earth. But she knew enough from her training the solar cycle before that she should find a secluded area to make the jump. Miele found a public restroom that was empty and took out her Vixtron and put in the quardinates for her home dimension. Instead of Miele being greeted with a portal in front of her, her Vixtron flashed with an error in it's system's. 

"Oh no, it must have been fried in the last jump I did, but why is it still working properly then?" Miele groaned.

At least she still had her distress beacon on so her parents or some local enforcement would come get her eventually. Miele continued to wander the streets to avoid people and stay somewhat busy looking at all the sights of this dimension. She filed everything away for later when her best friends would pester her for details of her adventure. But as the night hit and less kids were around, and people began to go out drinking, Miele got worried. Her distress button was part of her Vixtron so it might be working as well so no one would have any clue where she was and that she needed help. Miele climbed up to the roof of a building and felt safer off the ground with most of the crowd. She just avoided the few buildings with rooftop entertainment spaces ad found a good place to hide until the morning. The building roof had so many vent and heating units that it was completly covered, but she was small enough to get into a space between them. Miele was warm, but not too hot because of the heating units and it was a very tiring day for her, so she fell asleep right there.

"Miele. Miele, where are you?"

"Miele we're here to get you, call out so we can find you!"

Miele woke up from her parents yelling for her and realized her parents were here. She shot up and climbed to the edge of the building to look over and see her parents with some local enforcers with them. Her mom's hair was wild, like she hadn't combed her wild brown curls meticulously like she usually did. Her dad was glancing around the area with his short blond hair unable to block his hazel eyes searching for her. Miele was so releaved to see them, she began crying immediately.

Everyone looked up to see her sobbing on the edge of the roof and her parents were there in seconds wrapping her in a large hug.

"Oh my baby, I was so worried for you," her mother cooed.

Miele sobbed harder even as her dad shushed her and pet her head. She got out her story between sobs and sniffles as the enforcement officers took it down as an initial statement.

"I was scared that my beacon would work si-since I couldn't jump and you guys would never find me and those kidnappers would get me and-"

"It's okay Miele, your Vixtron is working fine, it's just there's a barrier to keep people from leaving this dimension. We need a special dimension travelling device that only enforcement commanders have to even get in," her dad revealed.

"So whatever anomoly happened to get you here will be studied so it doesn't hapen to anyone again," one officer promised.

Miele sniffled but smiled as she innocently asked, "I'm not grounded then?"

One shot to write youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя