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In this AU, everyone has the chance to reincarnate at least once at the price of one of their senses, but they can't choose. A second time will take a limb and the third their humanity. You can only reincarnate if you died in a violent and uncommon way(ex. a car accident). Enjoy!


"Jack get back here," yelled my best friend Julien who was covered in flour.

I laughed because I was the one to dump it on him when his mom Lucy was baking and we were in the kitchen.

"No way dude," I yelled back while I was still turning back to look at him and so I didn't see the car until it was too late.

Julien immediately fell to his knees beside me shouting at me to stay awake. To hold on. I tried to but everything kept on getting darker and darker.


Jack. Jack Shay do you understand that you're dead?


Do you want to return to the material world, or continue on?

Go back, please. I was only seventeen, I had my whole life ahead of me.

You understand that there is a price?

I'll pay it, just please, send me back.


"Jack are you ever going to get up from that bench and help me plan this party?" Julien yells from the porch.

"I don't know, a house full of unsupervised teens isn't my cup of tea," I reply back with heavy sarcasm.

I can feel that Julien rolls his eyes at me but he waits as I get up and head towards him.

"I still find it so unfair that you can like not deal with the hell that is school anymore," Julien sighs.

"Yeah kinda hard to keep up with no eyes to read my textbooks now is it?" I snark back.

When I woke up three years in the hospital after the car accident, I discovered I couldn't see anymore. Mom didn't care, she was too happy that I came back even after I had flat lined. My dad just said we would get through it together. And we have. The house was proofed for someone prone to hitting stuff, I got to do school at home with special textbooks and devices that helped me complete my work. Because I couldn't really go out as much as I used to, I finished school earlier than Julien. He's been my only real friend after the accident and I'm thankful that he still treats me like before. My parents have treated me more gently than they would have before and expect me to do less. Strangers just think I shouldn't be there in the first place.

In our world, everyone had a chance to come back once after they die. It's called reincarnation because we return with the same body as before and the same memories, at least that's what the doctors and scientists say.

We're taught since we've been young that a price has to be payed to return us to our families. The first time, the individual loses one of their senses like sight or smell, so that's why there is such a developed system for handicapped people. Another reason that society has become so accommodating is because on the second reincarnation people lose a limb and not just in the sense that they lose an arm or a leg. They can lose a whole organ or an entire organ system some even, but rarely, come back with no heart or brain so they're anyways dead. That's why it isn't recommended to experience multiple reincarnations. But two is the limit, three is taboo.

The third time's price isn't something in a physical sense that can be taken away, but something in their spirits. People who come back after their third death aren't people anymore because they've lost all their sense of humanity in them. That's why there is a strict system and enforcers who keep people from reincarnating a third time. It's the law to get an irremovable tattoo tallying your number of reincarnations. And if it's reported that someone is dying or has died who already has resurrected twice, authorities watch over the person to make sure they stay dead.

One shot to write youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora