Chapter Thirty Four

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Sunday passed in a blur and soon it was Monday.
As Tamiloore and Semiloore entered the bus, everyone started congratulating them and wishing them happy birthday.

"Happy birthdayyyyy" everyone yelled and they were both engulfed in different hugs. Semiloore wanted to tear up. John had hugged her and gave her a huge smile while Joshua had dropped a peck on her cheek.

"Happy birthday sweetcheeks"

"Thank you"

Semiloore swallowed her saliva as she saw Nathaniel looking outside the widow ignoring the fuss going in the bus.

Everyone had weird looks because they had all seen Nathaniel and Semiloore get all cozy and now they weren't talking.

"Did they fight over the weekend?"

"I don't think so"

"So fast,its been barely two days apart"

"Nothing could have happened"

"Maybe he wants to surprise her"

"That's likely"

Semiloore wore a blank expression on her face as she sat down.

"Why that face on your birthday?" Peter asked.

"I yelled at him"

Peter frowned "Huh? Sorry but I don't...You fought with Nath?"


"Why?" Peter asked.

Semiloore raised her chin up. "Don't ask me"

Everyone rushed to the Science notice board to see their results and got the shock of their lives.



"Are you kidding me?"

"One percent difference?"

"Madd o"

Semiloore barely glanced at the notice board before walking to her class.

"Babes,congratulations" Peter said.

"Thank you"

"How did you do that?" Joshua asked. His name was the fourth name with 75%.

Semiloore shrugged "I'm special"


Semiloore sat down and everyone shouted

"Happy birthday!" and Semiloore smiled.
"So we have a surprise for you" Maria said and Semiloore looked curious.

One by one all her classmate started standing up and saying few words while dropping birthday gifts on her locker.

Semiloore is trying very hard not to cry. Who ever receives this on her birthday? Their words were far more worth than any birthday gift.

It soon go to Jerry's turn. Jerry walked up to the front of the class his rare smile on his face taking everyone by surprise.

"Hey Semiloore,when Maria said we have to say a few words even if its just a line I've been thinking about what to say, can you believe I even downloaded quote apps maybe I could find something unique to greet you happy birthday but I was very unlucky. I don't have much words to say. You are annoying and sharp mouthed but I like it like that" he said and laughed a little "somehow you made enemies and turned them back to your friends, even though its been a few weeks you've spent here its like you've been here forever and I wished we met you before now. Happy birthday sweetie I wish you the very best in life" he said and dropped a wrapped box beside her table.

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