- Chapter Five -

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The rest of the day passed briefly and Semiloore was quiet. The bell for break before lesson is rung and Semiloore stood up.

"I'm so hungry" Semiloore muttered to herself.

Tamiloore walked in almost immediately, "Let's go grab something".

Semiloore nodded as she followed her out. They arrived at the cafeteria after several turnings on the walkway.

"The architect is sure talented" Semiloore said as they walked inside the cafeteria attracting attention.

"I'll have gala and orange juice" Tamiloore said.

"Just give me anything that won't makes me faint in the next six hours" Semiloore said and all the food attendants glanced at her.

The attendant put two meatpies and a bottle of water on the tray and gave it to Semiloore.

"Kansamida" Semiloore said with a smile.

( this isn't even my language, it's actually Korean but it means thank you).

The attendant glanced at her as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Tamiloore laughed a little,  "My apologies, she meant thank you" Tamiloore said.

Semiloore smiled brightly and nodded in confirmation as they try to look for a table. Semiloore rolled her eyes as she noticed Rolake and her minions glaring at her.

As they approached, one of them stuck out her leg and Semiloore wore an smug smile as she pretended like she didn't see it. Instead as she walked closer, she kicked the leg hard and the girl yelled out in pain.

"Ohh, what happened?" Semiloore asked with a funny smile.

"Just shut up!" Rolake yelled "Didn't you kick her?" Rolake said angrily.

"Why would I do that? I was walking and the next thing is your friend is yelling in pain" Semiloore replied with an innocent face.

"You kicked me, stop lying" the girl growled.

"Why was your leg sprawled out on the road anyways? Even a blind person knows this is road and sprawling your leg carelessly like that, you should expect that your leg should get broken" Semiloore said her smile disappearing.

"You!" Rolake yelled with indignation.

"I kicked her so what? Miss whatsoever is your name, these petty tricks are really hilarious, if you don't like me just stay away from me or I must tell you you'll get disappointed every time unless you improve with your tricks, making me fall ?  Those tricks, no one uses them anymore" Semiloore said aloud with a smirk.

The cafeteria roared with laughter.

"I hate you!" Rolake wheezed before storming out.

"You be careful around her" Tamiloore said.

"I'm not scared of her and her petty tricks" Semiloore replied.

"Semiloore, its our first day, okay?" Tamiloore said.

"Right, you are no fun" Semiloore said with a pout.

Joshua munched on his donut as he turned to John and Nathaniel "I must say, she's quite sharp" Joshua said.

They had all seen what had happened and that Semiloore had intentionally kicked Joy's leg.

Nathaniel didn't reply as he sipped his drink.

"They are so different" John commented as he peepped at the two "Tamiloore is so calm and reserved and while Semiloore is, God... I don't even know how to describe her attitude" John added.

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