My Favorite Year

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<So this is my New Years story, the song at the top comes from the musical of the same name, which is also the musical we're doing this year at my high school, I'm one of the leading characters and I'm super excited, so I figured I had to make a fic incorporating it somehow. (Like seriously look up the musical, it's super fun and inspirational). What better way to do that than a New Years Story? Enjoy!>

"C'mon, Morg! It's safe!" It was the day after Christmas, and Morgan had been anxiously waiting to try out her new ice skates. Tony had agreed to let them skate on the pond, as long as it was safe. After testing it with one of his spider-bots that was able to measure the thickness and safety, they were ready to skate. Peter glided across the ice, remembering how much he loved this. He did an experimental turn, and promptly fell flat on his face, getting lots of giggles from Morgan. She promptly pushed off from the shore and began gliding smoothly.

"Wow, the six year olds better than you are, Pete!" Tony shouted from his vantage point by a tree on the other side.

"Hey!" Peter yelled back, getting to his feet and pushing off toward Morgan. "I don't see you out here, so you don't get to make comments!"

"Yeah, daddy! Be nice to Peter, he's trying his best!" Morgan piped up.

"Don't you start too, you stinker. C'mere!" And Peter skated up to her and took her little pink-gloved hand in his larger Rudolph-mitten clad ones. (They had been a gift from Morgan, he wasn't getting out of that one.)

"Can we be like the people we saw on TV?"

"Course we can! Are you ready to win the gold medal, my amazing partner? Hey, judges, tell us what we need to do!" He yelled this to Tony and Pepper, who were grinning and taking pictures from the side.

"Skate in a big circle," yelled Pepper.

"Alright, ready Morg?"

"Always." They both pushed off and skated in a circle, even skating backwards for a few seconds. They completed it and bowed, Tony and Pepper cheering wildly.

"A perfect 10! The worlds greatest brother-sister ice duo has done it again! But, can they do it one last time and beat their fiercest competitors/themselves?" Tony dramatized. "For their final test, they will be separated!"

"Gasp!" Pepper whispered, adding to the drama.

"They must race to the far end of the pond and back, and whoever gets back to me first gets a giant ice cream! Go!"

Laughing, both Peter and Morgan took off skating as fast as they could. They were almost there, Peter letting Morgan edge ahead, when it happened. The ice shifted, and began cracking. "Morgan, turn back!" Peter screamed. "The ice!" She turned back part ways, too far ahead to hear him clearly, but then the ice cracked around her.

"Peter!" She screamed! "Help me! I'm scared."

"Ok sweetie, I'm coming as fast as I can, try not to move too much!" Peter skated toward her in a panic, trying to ignore the spreading cracks and make sure Morgan was safe. He reached out his hand to her and was just about to grab her when suddenly she fell. Without thinking, Peter dove in after her. He grabbed her and pushed her above him as quickly as he could, trying to push her onto firmer ice. He heard a noise and Morgan was pulled out of his hands. Cold. It was so cold. What...? His eyes closed and his hand slipped. Cold...Morg? Black.

"Pete? Hey, Peter? Please wake up for me. I'm so sorry." He distantly registered a hand on his head. What was happening? Why was it so cold? Uncle Ben? Dad?

"Yeah, Pete, it's me. Please open your eyes. You're alright. You're alive. But we need to get something warm into you now.

"Dad?" Peter said again, slightly more awake.

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