Peter sick in Avengers Tower

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< I don't know if anyone is actually reading this, but this is my first attempt at fan fiction and specifically sickfics. If you like it, please let me know or let other people know. If there's anything you don't like, please comment and tell me to add stuff. Feel free to do asks and tell me what scenarios you'd like to see Peter in next. Also thanks so much for getting me to #1 on sickfic! That's crazy!>


Peter looked at his watch. "Uh, Mr. Stark? It's like midnight already. May's gonna be freaking out. I need to leave, like now."

Tony looked up from the workbench, where one of his droids was dissembled. "It's fine, I already called your aunt and told her we'd be working late. You can sleep here tonight. Are you tired now?"

"No," Peter lied, but even as he said it a huge yawn escaped. "Maybe a little," he amended.

Tony put the wrench down. "Alright, that's it. To bed with you. Take the elevator to the top floor, your room is the second one on the right."

"Wait, I have a room?" Peter was shocked.

"Of course, kid! You're an Avenger. All the Avengers have one."

Peter was speechless. Finally, he stammered out. "Wow, thanks, Mr. Stark." And without thinking, he launched himself across the lab and gave Tony a big hug. The billionaire didn't respond at first, and Peter started to draw back, knowing he had made a mistake. But then Tony gently wrapped his arms around Peter too.

"No problem, kid. Now go to bed or you have to sleep in the basement." He ruffled the kid's curls teasingly.

~slight time skip~

Peter laid on his bed in Avengers tower, still not fully believing it was actually his. Another yawn wracked his body, and he started to lie down, but then he jolted back up and pulled out his laptop. He had to disable FRIDAY from his room. He had been around the tower enough to know that FRIDAY monitored the sleep patterns and vitals of all the tower's occupants, and would notify Tony of anything out of the ordinary instantly. It would also notify Banner if anyone's heart rate or temperature got too high.

Peter could not have anyone check on him. He had had terrible nightmares for years, and he didn't want to show any weakness to the team. They already believed him to be too small and young to fight completely, he couldn't give them any more reasons to take him off the team. No, FRIDAY's monitoring was not an option. Ten minutes later, he was good. Anyone accessing the feed to his room would see him sleeping soundly, or maybe stirring gently in the clutches of a normal dream. They would not hear his screams of terror or his racing heart. Those were for weak people, and the Avengers were not weak. Tony thought he was a real avenger, so he had to live up to their expectations.

Eventually, Peter did fall asleep, and nightmares plagued him all night long. He jolted upright in a cold sweat, and then instantly fell back on to the bed, his nightmare forgotten for a real-life nightmare. His stomach was clenched tighter than a wind up toy. Every time he shifted even the tiniest bit, it felt like someone was twisting a knife in his gut. His breathing came faster, and he could feel the panic building. He had to do something, had to escape before someone came into his room.

He dragged himself out of bed and into the bathroom, where he collapsed against the toilet and puked his guts out. He heaved and heaved until nothing was left in his stomach. After that, he felt slightly better, at least enough to be able to stand up by himself. He went back into his bedroom, racking his brain for a way to get somewhere the Avengers couldn't find him. He couldn't take his suit, it was equipped with Karen and would let Mr. Stark know of his symptoms immediately. He looked around, the room, growing more desperate. He thought about just walking out of the compound, faking a smile the whole way, but he knew he would never be able to do it. If anyone saw him, he wouldn't be able to keep up the ruse. And then they would drag him to Bruce, and... he couldn't even imagine what would happen next. He wouldn't be allowed to be an avenger anymore, that's for sure, if he let something as simple as a stupid stomachache get the better of him.

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