Unexpected Bumps in the Road (carsickness)

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<i realized I never gave a shoutout for this one, so here's a belated shoutout to @loki_of_asgard1 for this ask!>

"Peter! They're here!"

"Oh, shit," he muttered Under his breath as he looked at the half empty duffel bag sitting in the corner of his room. "I'll be down in a minute!" He yelled back as he started frantically grabbing clothes and chucking them into the bag. Thankfully most of his favorite clothes were already on top of his bed. He grabbed a sweatshirt from where it had been hanging on the closet door and threw it over himself. He put his suit and web shooters into his bag reluctantly. Last but not least, he made sure he had his phone and charger and some toiletries. He started to run out the door but paused. He was forgetting something, but what?

Oh! His car sickness medication! He sprinted into the bathroom and grabbed the familiar bottle, taking two pills dry and tucking the rest into the side pocket of his backpack. He would be absolutely miserable if he didn't have that, and he did not want to spend the whole car ride to DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival with the Starks and a few other Avengers puking the whole time.

He ran a brush through his mop of brown curls and took the stairs 3 at a time before skidding to a stop in the living room. "Geez, kid, you in a hurry or something?"

"Well I didn't want to keep you waiting!" Peter said excitedly.

"Ok, kiddo," Mr. Stark laughed. "You would have kept us waiting less if you had packed the night before..." Peter blushed. He was hoping no one could tell that he had just thrown some stuff in a bag.

Seeing his face, Tony just laughed. "You're fine, if I didn't have Pepper, I would never get anything packed. You ready?"

"Do you have your medication?" May asked. Tony gave her a quizzical look. "He gets horribly carsick," she explained. "And as you very well know, normal drugs don't work on him, so I had Bruce make him some extra-strength motion sickness pills."

"Ah, good idea." Tony nodded. "I've cleaned up plenty of puke in my time as a playboy, but the more we can avoid, the better." He winked at Peter, showing him that he really wouldn't care if Pete did puke, they would take care of him like they always did.

"Bye, Pete! Larb you!" May said, hugging him.

"Larb you too!" And then he was out the door, climbing into the expensive car.

"Hi Petey!" He was greeted by Morgan excitedly. He greeted her back, as the six year old was basically his little sister. Pepper also turned around to give him a hug over the seats.

Steve and Bruce came around to say hello as well, before climbing into the back. The six of them were all riding in one car, while Nat, Clint, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda rode in the other car.

They got on the road, and Tony turned the radio on. He first started to put on country, but loud cries of protest greeted him from every seat, so he stuck with classic rock. All was fine until about 2 hours in, when Peter started to get a headache. Morgan was getting cranky too, so Tony pulled off at a huge service plaza in New Jersey. Peter grabbed some food from the food court, figuring if he got some protein in his stomach, he'd be fine. When he came back to the car, he saw that Morgan was climbing on Bucky's leg. She seemed very happy, until Pepper came over and told her she had to get back in the car. Then she started screaming.

"I don't wanna go! I wanna stay with Bucky!" Pepper groaned. They were trying to teach Morgan that she couldn't throw temper tantrums to get her way, but it was difficult not the spoil the usually sweet faced child.

Trying to avoid a child meltdown only two hours into the trip, Bucky said, "I can come in your car and sit with her, I don't mind." Pepper looked like she was going to say no, but then she changed her mind.

Peter Parker Gets Sick Way Too Much For His Own GoodWhere stories live. Discover now