Chapter 31. A Call to War

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With the councils agreement, we sent out a call of war. Asking all races to come to us. A war was upon us and we needed allies. Nothing like this had happened in all of history. I was nervous to be in the center of it all, but I suppose it was my birth right. I was born to do this. Jackson was born to do this and greedily turned his gift into power for himself.

Our pack went to the schools dorms to be out of the way for the meeting. Only Michael, Brian, Jacob, Alan, and myself remained in the pack house. I was nervous about having Alan around but lately he'd seem to be genuinely trying. Probably for the fact that I'm not the weak human he thought I was.

Amy and Thomas had both had to leave, to return to their covens. In times of war it was common for the covens to call all their members in. I was hopeful they would attend with the leaders though.

The house grew more and more full as leaders of every race poured in. We had arranged all the rooms as guest rooms, by floor, for the visiting races. Hoping to keep tensions as low as possible. We would direct each group to their designed floor and leave them free to pick their room.

As everyone entered they seemed very wary of the situation. They all seemed to take in my scent with curiosity, they would breathe in before their eyes would dart to mine. White wolves were not common so I was likely the first they were meeting.

Being in a single pack house with all the leaders of the supernaturals was unheard of. I was thankful for the council and their influence, pushing everyone to come. The full council was here as well, they had promised to help in any way they could. Having this many powerful auras in one house was extremely intense. The power pushing into the air was almost suffocating, not to mention all the different scents.

I was grateful to see Amy walk in with a woman, I smiled when I saw her before the woman turned her attention to me. I was expecting her to be welcoming but the glare I received was not. Amy smiled encouraging at me but stayed by the woman's side. Michael directed them where to go and they left.

Not long after, Thomas walked through the door with a man and woman. He smiled big at me and ran to hug me. The man and woman with him were both friendly towards me.

"I am Theodore and this is my mate Rose." The man introduced them with a slight nod of his head. "We are the leaders of Thomas' coven, which, my dear, was also your mother's coven. You will be welcomed with open arms anytime."

I was touched by his welcoming attitude and smiled to him.

"I am Noel, Luna of this pack, and this is my mate, Alpha Michael." I returned the introduction. "Thank you for you kind welcoming, it is greatly appreciated."

"We will stand beside you, my dear. Before the meeting starts, would it be possible to speak with Nymeriah? I was elated to learn that she was alive." Theodore asked with concern. I would've been happy to oblige if it was up to me, but I wanted to ask my mother first.

I told them I would check with her, and if she didn't mind I would come find them and bring them to her. They thanked me and headed for their room, Thomas in tow.

When everyone had arrived I sighed, relieved that part of this done, even if it was just the beginning. We were going to allow everyone to settle before calling them outside near the bonfire pit. There were too many people to do it inside. There was a small makeshift stage set up and plenty of fold up chairs scattered neatly around it.

I went over my speech in my head again in again. Unlike the alphas meeting, this time I would be the key speaker. Michael would be standing beside me but as he said, this way 'my party.' I hoped everyone would listen and come to our aid. Jackson has had much more time to prepare whatever army he has waiting.

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