Chapter 20. Training

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I woke up the next morning after the best sleep of my life. I didn't want to move, which was a good thing because there was a heavy arm wrapped around my waist. By the sparks I knew it belonged to Michael. I snuggled in closer and breathed in his scent. I knew there was so much going on and our lives were likely to be crazy, but I was utterly content in this moment.

It's kind of ironic. I fell in love with my mate before I could even feel the mate bond. The only reason we weren't more serious before was because he knew he had a mate and didn't think it was me! I reflected back on all that happened between us and my heart fills with pride and love. Ironic though for sure. He pushed me away to respect his future mate: me. I chuckled at the whole situation. What a sweet mate I have.

This whole white wolf thing was sure to become a headache though. I was thrilled to be a supernatural when everyone I love is one, but it sounds like the type I am will cause trouble. There's now been two rogue attacks with numbers previously unheard of. I'm sure the alpha was worried about that as well. I was going to need to train hard, and in secret. As far as the outside world knew I was human, and for everyone's safety, including my own, it needed to stay that way. Michael and Brian could train me in wolf form, Amy could teach me some magic and help me develop that way, and Thomas would probably be good at teaching me how to fight in human form, I assume it's similar to how vampires fight. I would also need to try to discover whatever gifts I had. I had zero clue on how to go about finding those though.

Michael pulled me closer and buried his face in my hair before inhaling deeply. I felt bad for him, I'm sure I badly needed a shower. I chuckled, which caught him off guard.

"Well good morning my beautiful mate." Michael said, his husky voice was still thick from sleep. I turned to face him, our chests pressed together. I looked at his face, drinking in his appearance as he was mine.

"I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing you call me mate." I replied as I blushed. He leaned in to kiss me but I covered my mouth with one hand and pushed his forehead with the other. "Morning breath." I choked out, he chuckled and let me get up.

I grabbed clean clothes then went to the bathroom and closed the door. When I looked in the mirror all I saw at first was my face. The happiness almost seemed to glow off my face. My cheeks were lightly tinted pink and my mouth seemed to be stuck in a perfect smile. If Michael wasn't in the next room I would've squealed. I've never been so happy! Then I noticed the rest of my body and almost cried out. My hair was matted and tangled into an unrecognizable nest of sweat and dirt. My skin was dirty. My dress was mostly clean but smudged with grime from the bunker. All in all I was a mess. I jumped into the tub to take a badly needed relaxing bath. My body was also very sore as Lilith said it would be.

I took my time scrubbing every surface of my body. Untangled and washed my hair and shaved. By the time I was done the water was cold. I got out and brushed my teeth thoroughly, then brushed my hair.  I got dressed and left the bathroom feeling clean and refreshed.

My room was empty when I walked back in. The bed was made and Michael was no where in sight. I could still smell his scent but he wasn't here. I pouted a little bit to myself. Michael then opened my door, as soon as his scent hit my face my mood did a flip. I was just over joyed to see him! I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He had also recently gotten out of a shower. I could still smell the soap, shampoo, and even toothpaste. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. He returned the kiss and kicked the door shut behind him.

Michael carried me to the bed and laid me down on my back. He crouched over me, supporting himself with only his arms. Being this close to him was amazing. His scent invaded all of my senses. He was all I could think about. He deepened our kiss and I returned it. My body begged for him. He broke our kiss and pulled his face back from mine. I pouted and he smiled. He kissed me once on the collar bone before getting off of me. He held out his hand to help me up.

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