Chapter 3. Room mate

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It felt like the second I closed my eyes I heard a long banging and some choice curse words coming from the living area. Guess it's finally time to meet my room mate. 

I sighed and jumped off the bed, then rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I looked at the clock. 3:45 am. 3 freaking 45 in the morning! Groaning, I force myself out of the bed and out to the living area. All of the lights are still out.

I walk lazily over to the wall with the light switch and turn the lights on. When I looked up to the person making all the noise I had to choke back laughter.

Here was this girl looking like a deer in headlights, she had froze when the lights turned on and her eyes were nearly popping out of her skull. She had keys in her mouth and was holding two big duffle bags. By the looks of it she had half way tripped over the welcome rug. She was tall and built like a runner. Short pixie cut brown hair, tan skin, and solid warm brown eyes. She was wearing a black shirt and shorts with no sign of color anywhere, no dark make up though. I would guess she's about 17. Didn't look like she was wearing any make up. When I chuckled at her expression she dropped her bags and removed her keys from her mouth.

"You must be my roommate then." She stated while turning to close the door. "My name is Brianne, but everyone calls me Brie."

"Oh.. uh hi... my name is Noel. Are you new here too?" I replied, slightly self conscience, she was absolutely beautiful and not someone to interact with people like me back home.

"Yeah, I have some relatives nearby but just signed up for this school. Looks like I got a nice roommate at least. I was worried I'd get someone stuck up. There's lots of those at this school. It's nice to meet you." Brie explained, then continued. "I need to get unpacked before I completely run out of steam."

Brie picked up her bags and walked to the empty room. She shut the door and I assume started unpacking her stuff. I was relieved to have met and got along with my roommate but now I was wide awake. I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. I grabbed my school books while the coffee was brewing and read over the material we'd likely cover in class later today.

I'm not a book worm by any means but I was determined to do well here. I had to so that I could make something of myself. This really was my only shot. I didn't have anyone to turn to or to lean on. Sure I had Thomas, but he couldn't just bring me in and support me. I had to succeed or fail on my own.

I dive into the book, all pretty standard, boring, and easy to memorize. I hear my coffee pot finish brewing so I make myself a cup and sit back down and continuing reading. A few moments late I hear Brie's door open.

Brie walks into the kitchen looking exhausted. I don't care who you are, unpacking is not fun. She clearly smelt the coffee and wanted some for herself. I watched her as she checked a few wrong cupboards for the coffee cups before I got up to help her.

"Oh thanks, probably going to take me a bit to figure out where everything is." Brie mumbled, clearly tired.

I just nodded my head and sat back down to my book. I didn't know if Brie and I would be friends but I hoped so. I decided to try to get to know her better if the early hour didn't make her too grumpy. I made some small talk and eventually she seemed to open up to me.

I learned that Brie felt like a black sheep in her hometown. She said she had some family here so her parents shipped her off. Brie has family nearby and she could've stayed with them but didn't want to feel like the black sheep some more. She also said she hoped to become a wildlife expert. To which I snorted in surprise. Hey! She definitely doesn't look the type! She was excited to explore the woods here. She thankfully didn't ask too much about me.

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