A note from your humble author

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Hi readers,

Thought I'd take a moment to talk about this story. If you've not seen the Rise of Skywalker yet spoiler alert.

I found this one far more difficult to write than my original fanfiction, Balance of the Force, which I'd written and completed this time last year.

This one I wrote based on the original leaks with a dark acolyte containing the essence of Palpatine- I thought this would be Matt Smith. The timeline was cumbersome as being based on trailers I knew very little from the end of the film would be in the trailers. Given how much happens in that first hour of the film I can see why I struggled with the timeline. So, so much stuff!

I chopped and changed the timeline about a lot. However, I persevered I'd started so I had to finish and the week of the release of the movie it was complete and despite the fact that I knew the gist of the JediPraxis leaks and knew my errors I didn't alter it.

JediPraxis was pretty spot on (that'll be John Boyega's missing script). I'm proud that due to my interpretation of the comics and books I included elements I felt were emotionally important, which also turned out to be in the movie, maybe not in the correct place, but still relevant. I feel my story is a bit simpler, not so much stuff!

I know a lot of people are reading my stories currently for closure; I hope you get it. I always knew the Reylo elements we'd get would be mild at best and I'm very happy with what we got regarding their relationship. They were the best part of not only the Rise of Skywalker but this trilogy.

Was the ending exactly what I wished for? No. Was it in keeping with the story and what I generally wanted; bendemption? Yes. Obviously I'd prefer what I'd written but I knew my perfect happily ever after was highly unlikely. I can see why it was ended the way it was.

Right after I saw the movie and particularly on Christmas Eve, my heart was hurting. Ben Solo sacrificing himself for the woman he loved was tragically romantic and beautifully done, and the absolute epitome of star crossed lovers. Rey and Ben are Romeo and Juliet in space.

In sacrificing himself, Ben achieved what Anakin failed to do-he saved the one he loved. I love Rey's pilgrimage to Tatooine however, I hope she's not going to live there cos if she does she ends up exactly (almost) where she started- on a desert planet alone.

I feel the no nod to or mention of Ben was really unsatisfying in terms of ending the Skywalker saga. He deserved better than disappearing with no afterthought. A memorial generally for those that gave their lives- Han, Luke, Leia and Ben would've been wonderful.

I'm hoping as they are soulmates he can't fully cross over till she does because their souls are bound through the Dyad. I had hoped that the novelisation would give a little more, as they always do. We got him speaking to her, her thinking of him and what the kiss meant I think had truly made reylo cannon.

Star wars, rather more specifically Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, and Adam Driver's interpretation of him has been my muse throughout this process. His character was the most fascinating, and really the story to me was about him.

In gratitude to Adam, I have donated to Adam's charity Arts in the Armed Forces. Maybe you'd like to consider doing the same.

adyArwenEvenStarI didn't think I'd continue writing but I've written a sequel to the Rise of Skywalker film- world between worlds and I'm currently writing a complete rewrite- In Another Life

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I didn't think I'd continue writing but I've written a sequel to the Rise of Skywalker film- world between worlds and I'm currently writing a complete rewrite- In Another Life.
My novel, not fanfiction is on wattpad as both a Reylo and non-Reylo, the Reylo version has done decidedly better.

 My novel, not fanfiction is on wattpad as both a Reylo and non-Reylo, the Reylo version has done decidedly better

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It's been an incredible process, one which I've thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to those who've voted and commented. My obsession, however, very like Arwen and Aragon, I imagine will likely run its course (once I own the new film, novelisation and comics, watch a hundred times and fold down all Reylo pages) and when I return to work.

I will always love Star Wars. A love that was given to me by my father, just like Lord of the Rings and one which is already being passed onto my son, but this side of it is now over. I'll look forward to Disney plus and the Obiwan series. However, I don't feel anything will hook me quite the way Kylo/Ben and his relationship with Rey did.

Reylo was endgame. Much as I always hoped it would be from day one with Force Awakens. What we were given was more than I expected we'd get so I for one am content, and I will always have my imagination for everything else.

May the Force be with you, always.

Beth. X

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