Chapter 26- New Republic

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General Dameron sat at a table with General Targo, Admiral Deltan, General Hux, General Calrissian, General Ematt, Admiral Nunb and Admiral Statura. These were the jury members of the New Republic, who would sentence the prisoner in the trial today; democracy would be reborn with this Senate. An alliance of high-ranking Resistance and First Order members. Peace would last under this new regime; it wouldn't be easy, but then real democracy wasn't. It was impassioned beliefs finding common ground.

General Poe Dameron felt reasonably positive about the future of the Galaxy but not necessarily about his place in it. Under Leia's tutelage, he'd grown beyond the impetuous pilot into the leader of the Resistance, but he was not a politician. Poe was grateful that General Calrissian was the head of their side of this senate and, therefore, the voice of power representing them all. As a former Baron and politician within the Republic, it made sense that Lando take up Leia's mantle. Poe was a soldier; maybe politics would come, but for now, the leader of their armies was good enough for him, besides someone had to keep an eye on Hux, keep him in line. Poe wasn't entirely off the hook with regard to formal matters, but at least he would stay military for now.

"Are we ready to begin?" Poe addressed the table, and a series of nods and grim faces confirmed they were.

Poe was also not feeling particularly positive about today's proceedings. Allegiant General Pryde had not taken to his imprisonment well shouting furiously at all hours or throwing himself against the walls in apparent agony. The man had come undone with the demise of the Contingency, the death of its master puppeteer, Darth Sidious.

Allegiant General Pryde was hauled before the table vehemently yelling, spitting and kicking.

"Allegiant General Pryde, Leader of the Contingency, you stand before this council accused of crimes against the Galaxy. How do you plead?" Calrissian spoke.

Everyone knew Pryde's plea was inconsequential to the resolution that had been decided, but the formalities had to be observed. The Senate needed to be seen as fair and just to all if they were to move forward with no uprising.

"How dare you presume to judge me!" Pryde spat at them.

The man looked seriously deranged, as though he'd been tearing at his hair and his face. Red scratches were visible, along with flakes of dried blood. They had provided him with his military clothing out of respect, which Pryde did not deserve, but it looked mangled. All of Pryde's previous pride was gone. Only the shell of the man he had once been now remained.

"Very well, Allegiant General Pryde, you are sentenced to life imprisonment in Sunspot prison. May the Force grant you a short life."

Pryde was dragged away, still shouting and struggling.


Leia's quarters within the temple of Yavin Four were not like the rest of the Resistance's rooms; built into the stone temple itself, there was something more harmonious about its composition, more in keeping with the temple's structure. Rough yellow-sandy stone walls, shards of natural light from slits in the wall. It smelt of the humid jungle air and cool, damp stone rather than the smell of fuel. The sounds of native creatures drifted in from outside, drowning out the shouts of engineers, fighters and the din of maintenance droids from below. A sanctum. Rey stood over the neatly made bed. Beside the bed, upon a table, Leia's belongings had been neatly placed. A pair of gold aurodium earrings, some gold oro-weave bracelets, two gold signet rings and a strange, almost brushed bronze plaque- too heavy to be a necklace. Rey traced its smooth, cold surface absently with her finger as she recalled the woman who'd embraced her as a mother, though she'd never been her family. Behind Rey, she heard footsteps; she didn't need to turn to know who it was as they approached and stood close behind her, observing the objects on the table. Rey could feel the heat from his body as he placed his large hand over hers, tracing the metallic ornament.

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