Chapter 21

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"Do you think we should send him home Rose?" My mother asked seriously as she ran her hands down her face the next morning. We were both eating breakfast and Blake was nowhere to be seen. When I woke up this morning, Blake was gone and the space beside me on the bed had turned cold. The only remaining piece of evidence that what happened last night was even real was the intent in my pillow of his head. 

When I woke up I reached out for him but when I realised he was gone disappointment so fierce streamed through my blood. The intensity of it shocked me, even causing a droplet to fall from my eye. I cursed his name for making me feel like this and proceeded to slam my face into his pillow and fell back asleep again. When I woke up the second time I stumbled into the kitchen to find my mother making scrambled eggs, this was the first thing she asked when we settled down to eat.

"I see bits of good in him," I admitted, placing my fork down onto the table to answer honestly. She looked at me from the corner of her eye, skeptical.

"He is disobedient, reckless and just came back from Jail, I don't think seeing a few bits of good in him will be enough." She was right, but it still didn't stop the rush of panic her words caused to plummet through my veins, a rush of objection.

"Maybe give him another month," I suggested, staring straight into her eyes so she could see how serious I am about this.

"I don't know, we aren't doing much good for him here." She shook her head disbelievingly.

"He needs help mum, and I think I can help him," I stated sternly, running a hand anxiously through my hair. She searched my features for a long moment before sighing in resignation.

"Okay, if you think you are helping because he is not listening to me. Just be careful Rose, I don't want you getting involved with all the bad things he is involved with," she stressed, placing her hand over mine on the table.

"Do you know me?" I joked, allowing a smile to pull up one side of my lips in relief.

"Good point," she laughed and squeezed my hand before returning to her breakfast.

"Where is he?" I asked, I was strangely anxious to see him, maybe because I know what he is like now. Whenever he allows us to become close, he will push me away after. I was already stealing my heart for the inevitable silent treatment he will give me.

"He is spending the day with his parents," Mum explained around a gulp of tea. I rested my hand onto my chin, that was good. He hasn't seen his mother since he walked out on her. I hope they would make amends.

"He won't be home tonight, will he?" I surmised, it was a Sunday night and he was always out on a Sunday night without fail.

"No." She shook her head knowingly.

"Where does he go?" I questioned eagerly, scooting my chair closer towards the table. She searched my features for a long moment before sighing.

"Maybe you should see for yourself, it might give you an insight into how to help him. Be at this address at around 7.30." Then she wrote down an address on a spare piece of paper. It was in the town over, where Blake's family lives. After hugging mum goodbye as she went to the shops I went to my computer and looked up the address. It was in a dodgy neighbourhood and located near the town square. 

What could Blake possibly be doing at a council building? And why does my mother know about it and allow it?


Later that day I received a phone call from Lisa telling me she had downloaded everything she could access for the code studio account I gave her, and she had sent it through to my email. I couldn't thank her enough. I downloaded the information onto a USB and planned to give it to Blake when I saw him next. It was only when I was driving to the address my mother gave me that night that I realised that I could use the USB as justification as to why I was driving an hour to see Blake. 

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