Chapter 6

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"Are you excited for school?" I asked Blake joyfully with a skip in my step as we walked to school together. Throughout a restless and sleepless night, I decided to take a new stand point in regard to Blake. I've decided instead of being annoyed at his selfish behaviour I would to take the opposite side and not let him get what he wants. Which was for me to leave him alone, so I was going to annoy him by being the exact opposite. I was going to try and make friends with him. So far it wasn't working out too well.

He just grunts as a reply and I take that as a no. 

"You will be pleasantly surprised by how sophisticated our school is. Did you know that it used to be a castle in the 1600's and then converted it into a school a hundred years ago? And the old creepy building at the back of the school is an old orphanage that got shut down a few years ago. And the school have a wide array of subjects you can choose that are actually fun, would you believe?" I admitted exasperated with wide excited eyes thinking of my brilliant art classes. I glance over to him to see that he was already glaring at me and from just that look alone it caused me to press my lips together and not speak another word. We walk in silence through the streets towards the school on my usual route. 

My eyes kept wandering back to his frame just to peak another look at him. He was dressed in a stylish leather jacket, black jeans and black boots. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder and everything about him screamed dangerous and I must ruefully admit sexy. He looked good in all black, really good.

"You know I think you would like the woodworks class they have as an elective," I continued oblivious to his glare that was burning into the side of my head. "Or maybe even art, you know we have a teacher Mrs. Lain who is a published artist in the New York times, must cost a fortune to employ her. Well I guess it is kind of fair given how much our parents are spending to send us to this school. You know I never really saw the appeal of sending your kinds to a private school for one hundred grand a year when you can get the same education with a hundred dollars a year," I babble, talking my mind which I tend to do when I get nervous. Why was I nervous again?

I take a deep breath to speak again so I didn't have to think about the answer to that question. But my mouth hangs open half way when Blake shouts at me.

"I don't give a crap about this school okay? Will you just shut up!" He bursted with sudden fury, his hands balling up into fists at his side. I ignore him. Unfazed by his anger.

"Wait until you see the gymnasium, you will love that. It's like a miniature sports stadium, it has basketball court, volleyball court and a swimming pool. Personally, I am mostly a fan of the pool as my strengths are in the swimming department. I sometimes like to refer to myself as a walking fish," I glanced down at my feet that pointed out, "Huh, even my feet are like walking flippers," I realised glancing down at my feet with wide eyes. 

Then I glanced back up at Blake to see him staring at me with exasperation and eyebrows raised. I immediately snap my mouth closed, I probably shouldn't reveal my weirdness to him this early, it would be just another thing to bully me for. That was not the effect I was going for, for my first impression.

Suddenly Blake takes a wide step in front of me and my heels grind to a stop to prevent myself from falling into him. His hands were resting on my shoulders and all I could feel was the warmth of his hands emitting through my jumper and into my skin.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear, I don't want to listen to your nonsense babbling. You are annoying and weird, and I don't want anything to do with you. Okay so just leave me alone," he growled viciously, his tone had a bite to it that was meant to harm whoever it was directed at. My mouth fell open in shock. I stared back at his hate filled glare and felt my insides crunch in on itself, he knows exactly how to make me feel like I am nothing inside. His electric blue eyes bore into mine, I saw nothing in them but pure hated.

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