Cause and Effect

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Future Timeline, Training to get stronger

A hour ago

Malia POV

James and Sirmetrius are wrestling each other for strength as Alx and Karma watch on. Sirmetrius is too fast as James gets slammed down immediately once his grip lets loose. "You have to let your body take over your mind. If you try to fight me with intentions of aggression your going to lose, every time. In order for you to master this ability to be so fast that time slows down, you have to let everything go. Ease your mind by letting everyone you love out of your head. You have to focus your mind on the environment around you. Once you can do that you should be able to move as fast as your thoughts and emotions." Sirmetrius stated as James picks himself up looking confused.

Karma is in my face in a blink of an eye as she grabs my arm and judo flips me on my side. "Hey! What was that for?" I say as I get up looking at her as she shrugs. "You two want to be on the same strength as the dragons? Than you have to be prepared for anything." Alx says as she begins to move faster than light. She's running circles around me as I allow my mind to let Daiya go. The only way I would be able to move like them is if I let my instincts take over. I take a deep breath as my mind begins to focus on Alx's breathing.

The faster she was running around me the slower thing started to move. She starts to lunge an attack at me as my body instantly dodged her attack with ease. "Oh shit!" Sirmetrius says as I was moving as fast as Alx was. She starts to throw punches at me as my mind was at peace as I took a deep breath allowing my emotions to remain calm. Alx throws her leg back as she tries to kick me in my face as I grab her foot tossing her down on the ground. Time begin to resume regularly as everyone was watching us with amusement. "Well she caught on fast." Karma says as she looks at James as he had a look of  mixed feelings.

"Well that's enough training for one day. You two can stay in our mansion. We'll continue training tomorrow." Alx says as she gets up smiling at me. "You have your own mansion?" I asked as they all look at me with grins. "We are literally probably the only one ones left in the state. We have everything." Sirmetrius says as James follows behind them as they lead us to their isolation.


I look at James as he was just sitting in the bed next to mine as he's looking at the wall. We had the guess room as it was a pretty big room with two beds. He hasn't said a word since he saw me training with Alx. "Are you upset with me?" I asked him as he turns his head towards me. "No." He responded as he sighs deeply. "First Daiya... now you. You guys get stronger before me and it makes me feel like I'm not worthy of even being a alpha." He tells me as I make my way towards his bed as I sit next to him.

"James... just being born makes you worthy. Everybody respects the hell out of you. Derek feared you... he knew one day you would be something great. Hell. You lost an eye and no one even thinks on commenting about it because your so badass. We know that even though there are people stronger than you... you never stop trying to save those around you. That makes you worthy." I tell him as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Thanks Malia." He tells me as minutes go by before we separated in fell asleep in our own beds.

A year

We were outside training as James was still struggling to slow time down. Sirmetrius, Alx, and Karma were helping James gain this ability. He was having a hard time and was starting to grow frustrated as we've been in this timeline for a year now. I didn't need help training anymore as I've finally mastered the ability to move so fast it would seem I was teleporting. We started calling it instant movement since we didn't know what to call such a move. James couldn't see or keep up with either one of the three as they kept taking turns trying to teach him.

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