In Wolf's Clothing

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Act 5, Untamed


James charges at the mermaids as Demetrius grabbed his tail. James didn't noticed as he was moving forward pulling Demetrius along with him before Demetrius pulled him back. He yanked him backwards towards us as he was now eyeing us down. "James? It's your friends... it's me??." I said as his eyes glowed blue as he had lost control of his form. "Why is he not aware of who we are." Demetrius asked me as he growled at us before sprinting at us on his hands and feet.

I transformed into my werecheetah form as I locked my arms around his waist. He proceeds to bite down on my neck as he throws me off effortlessly. He had gotten stronger. My wound healed as Demetrius steps in front of me. "He's not holding back anymore. He's going all out. So now I'm going to go all out." He said as he starts to grow bigger as his scales cover up his entire body. James snarls a growl flaring his teeth as the two behemoths started to clash with one another.

The mermaids scattered to the water as the two men were throwing fists in every direction. James got hit hard as he stumbled back sending a claw to Demetrius face. Demetrius shoots fire out of his mouth as the fire was blue burning hotter than before. James falls on one knee as he gets completely engulfed in flames as the fur on his body was burnt off. He shook himself like a wet dog would do when it's wet, wincing in pain as he had grown angrier.

He starts to grow bigger the angrier he gets Demetrius walks forward slowly. The two break off into a sprint as they clash at each other swinging rapidly at the opposing force. The mermaids including Mia are just watching the fight break down as Demetrius was starting to overwhelm him. James grabs him holding him still as he sinks his teeth deep into his neck as Demetrius starts to fall on his knees.

"Venom." He said as he started to look like he was dazed. James turns his attention to us as he starts to approach the mermaids slowly. He licks his lips as his wolf mouth appeared grinning, his claws growing longer and sharper. "Focus on me!" Demetrius said as he slams James hard on his back. James got back on his feet as Demetrius dodges and weaves his attacks. James comes down swinging his claws as Demetrius rolls out of the way parrying a uppercut. Hitting him in his mouth knocking a fang out.

James grows bigger as he charges at Demetrius pinning him down biting him in his chest. He pushes him off with his feet sending him crashing into a rock. "You'll kill him." I warn him as Demetrius ignored me. "I don't kill." He said as James got up weakly. "I'm only tiring him down so I can get him to snap out of this rage he's in." Demetrius said turning his attention to us as James stabbed his claws into his chest.

Demetrius winces in pain as he grabs James's hands yanking and forcing them off, snapping the claws off his fingers. He howls in pain as he stares Demetrius down. "Alx stop them!" Mia said as I turn my head to her before looking back at the two monsters. They continue to fight each other still As the battle was starting to go into James's favor. The venom James put into Demetrius body was starting to kick in. Both men were bloodied in bruised as the fight went on for half an hour as they repeated the same swings over and over.

"Alx. I'm poison. It's starting to get to me." Demetrius said grabbing his chest as he falls down on his back. James stands over him as I charge at him tackling him down. I try to pin him down as he grabs me by my neck. He stands on his feet as Demetrius started to cough up blood. "Jam..." I tried to speak but the words were being forced silenced by the hand squeezing my neck. He's killing me.

Demetrius stands on one knee as he noticed I was about to die. He had to be over ten foot tall as my legs were dangling. "Alx... I'm going to burn him alive... I'm sorry." He said as I tried to force his hands off of me. Demetrius turned into a dragon weakly flying into the air as James looked up in the sky. He looked astonished as He was a actual dragon hovering above us. He opened his mouth as my eyes widened as I rolled out of the way. Fire so hot it warmed the whole surrounding.

The fire burnt James completely back to his human form as he was burnt to a crisp. Demetrius falls into the ground hard falling unconscious as he was in human form as well. Every one looks at the results of today as three men were finally down. The shark man was decapitated, as his head had been sliced off by James. James had lost control and bit venom into Demetrius knocking him down maybe worse. And Demetrius used his last resort to finally calm down the whole situation.

James had started to heal as his hair was burnt off. He was bald now. His face was half gone as he was starting to heal. His face becoming recognizable once his skin returned back to normal. The two men were knocked unconscious. Mia and I looked at each other as I took a deep breath. A lot had happened for us.

"What are you going to Do now?" I asked her as she sighed. "Probably move to a new kingdom. Atlantis has no men. No king." She says as I roll my eyes. "My island didn't have any men. You don't need men." I say as she looks at James. "He'll be fine. You have to make a choice." I tell her as she nods her head. "This world isn't for me. I'm not strong up here. And threats will continue to come later on. So I must stay in the oceans and protect my people." Mia says as I nod my head at her. She extends her hand out as I take it shaking it. "Queen Mia?" I questioned as she nods her head. "I'll have my women find mermen to repopulate Atlantis. Till we meet again. Give him my regards." She looks at the unconscious James before departing under water with the rest of the women.

"Finally. We found him." A voice says as I turn my head to see a copper skinned woman with long dark brown hair. Her clothing was a tunic like dress as she looked pretty, but sinister. Her eyes were yellow as her teeth grew into fangs. Besides her was another woman with fangs as she wore dark clothing. She was a pale woman who appeared more laid back. Her hair was long wavy and black and her eyes were also yellow. "Look Ava. Looks like we missed all the fun." The pale woman said as she grinned at me. "And look. It's my ex. All beat up." The copper skinned girl said as she looked at James. "What are you Vampires doing all the way out here." I said as they were standing in front of me now as quick as I could blink.

"To kill James." Ava said as she grinned at me before turning her attention to the unconscious man.

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