Chapter four

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Chapter four

Wes and I sit behind in Charles' jeep while Charles is driving with Caleb sitting beside him. I look outside the car, taking in the amazing view that Brimville has to offer.

"Liking what you see, newbie?" I hear Wes question and I nod.

Brimville reminds me of my birth town. It was just like this. Sunny, small, and stunning. Everything in my life was so great. I had a loving family which included my puppy, Charlie. My whole family, including my cousins, always went on a trip during summer vacation. My cousins and I used to spend our time gossiping, pranking, and being together until my life fell apart. Now, being happy and satisfied just seems like a distant memory which fades slowly every single day.

"Down to earth, Amber!" Wes practically yells in my ear and I snap back to reality. I turn my head toward him.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying, again?" I apologise. I need to concentrate on my present and the future. The past is gone. It is not coming back ever again.

"Charles is giving an ice cream treat after meeting Teddy. Wanna join?"

"I'll pass." I can't get any more close to them. The more I spend time with these people, the more I'll get attached and it will be difficult for me to move on.

"Why?" Caleb asks and my eyes meet his through the rearview mirror. His eyes have a different emotion than the usual. Is he pleading me to come? No, he can't. He is probably taking me along right now because he feels bad about Charlie.

"I have to go out with my parents," I lie. They would rather suicide than go out together along with me.

"There we are!" Charles pulls in front of a huge mansion. A car is already parked on the driveway. It must be of Ellie. I wonder how she looks like. She must be really beautiful since Charles himself is quite scorching.

Charles rings the doorbell and the door opens revealing a seventeen-year-old girl. Wow. She is pretty. She has short black hair and caramel eyes. No wonder why she is Charles' girlfriend.

"Hey, babe." Charles kisses on her forehead and she smiles. This sweet gesture warms my heart. Is this what affection actually feels like? I would never know.

"Hey, Ellie. Meet Amber," Caleb introduces. "Hi," she smiles and I awkwardly stand there since I literally don't know her but, still came to meet her dog. "She wants to meet Teddy so, we brought her here. I know you won't mind," Caleb says and walks inside with Charles and Wes.

"Don't be shy. Come in," she beckons me in. I see Caleb cuddling a black labrador and my heart melts at the sight. Aww. I walk closer to the little puppy. He sniffles me while I sit down on my knees. His tail dances as he starts licking my hand.

"Aww, Ted. You're so cute!" I smile and scratch his neck which dogs usually love. I pick him up and place on my laps. "Seems like he has started to like Amber more than Caleb," I hear Ellie say.

"That's not fair! He just met her," Wes frowns playfully and I laugh while Teddy continues to jump on my lap. "A lil birdy tells me that you're sick. How are you, Ted?" I say in a childish voice, the same way I used to talk to Charlie. He barks and shakes his tail.

"Doggo is fine, huh? Good boy." I press his nose lightly and licks my face. "Did you ever have a dog before?" Ellie asks and I nod.

"I did but he came across an accident." Bitterness is filled in my voice. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You can come here anytime, Amber. To play with Ted." I smile. "Thank you."

All of them are so good. I like being with them. It's not even been a day and they already made their way to my heart. It's almost like having a normal life.


"So, you're new here?" Ellie asks as we all plop on her couch with Teddy on my lap.

"Yes. I shifted here the day before yesterday," I tell her. Everyone nods and we talk about random things here and there.

"I need some water. I'll be back," Ellie says and gets up whilst I follow her to the kitchen, too as I was thirsty as well.

"Teddy really likes you. He is usually shy around new people," she tells me while filling a glass of water. "Teddy and I share a deep connection. You're new. You won't understand," I joke and we burst into laughter.

"You're best friends with Selena, right? Wasn't she supposed to come here?" I ask. I remember Caleb telling me that she was driving separately here as she didn't enjoy their company.

"She was going to come but something happened."

"What happened?" I ask, sounding a little bit nosy.

"Baby happened." I widen my eyes at her and I little bit freak out. "What? Selena is a teenage mom?!" I almost yell. Ellie laughs and informs me that she had to suddenly babysit her neighbour's son so, she couldn't meet her.

"I like your hair," she says as we walk back to the living room. I thank her and tell that hers isn't bad either.

We spend another thirty minutes talking and knowing each other when I decide to go home and since I have no clue about this area, Wes volunteers to drop me home. We hop in Charles jeep and Wes pulls the car onto the parkway.

"You should count yourself lucky," Wes says. His brown eyes are glued to the road as he takes a right turn. I furrow my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because Caleb never entertains any girl or includes her so much. He didn't even allow me to invite any girl that I used to date," he tells. I remain silent. I know that Caleb is not interested in me either. He just feels bad because of Charlie and my parents.

"But since you're here. You can be my date," he suggests and I shake my head. "Not gonna happen," I chirp, knowing that Wes is just being nice and flirty.

Fifteen minutes after, Wes drops me home and we exchange phone numbers. He even sends me the phone numbers of Caleb, Charles, and Ellie. "Seeya soon, newbie! I'll miss you at the ice cream parlour."

"Goodbye!" I say and he drives off.

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