Chapter one

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Chapter one

"Are you sure you're okay?" mom asks as soon as I walk into the kitchen. I just shrug and remain silent. I had enough sleep last night but I want to sleep longer. My eyes are still heavy due to my night pills.

"You're clearly not. Go to your room and sleep more," my dad suggests before prying his eyes away from his phone.

"I'm fine. I can't miss school. It's my first day at Brimville High," I say bitterly. I loved going to school before but now, I don't know. Nothing except for reading or painting fancies me.

"Fine, but you know what you have to do," mom reminds me in a harsh tone. I sigh. I know that my parents really don't want to do this. I know I'm ruining their perfect life filled with nothing but hatred toward each other.

My dad hates my mom because apparently, he caught her cheating and my mom hates him because she wasn't cheating on him. I mean, how's this even possible? I remember my dad yelling at my mom using the exact words "I saw you naked with that man. You had his marks all over your body" while my mom stood there calmly and said, "you know nothing, Greg. Just shut up. That's the only thing you're good at."

"Don't be so rude to her, Rebecca! She's your daughter!" Dad scolds her but she simply ignores. My mom doesn't hate me but she isn't really fond of my existence on this planet. I sigh once again. At least she's not revealing my secrets.

Without having breakfast since I don't wish to face my parents, I walk back to my room. I'm in a mess. I'm fortunately having a good hair day. I wear a little bit of makeup and leave my honey blond hair open. My eyes fall on my fresh scar visible on my neck. It extends from my collar bone to the halfway through my neck. I decide to change and wear a black turtleneck.

I step out of my house after waving a small goodbye to my parents who are trapped in their office work. I walk to school silently with my mind continuously reminding me,

Keep a low profile.

I didn't even realise that I have already arrived at my new school. I somehow make my way to the office and get my timetable. My first lecture was Calculus. I got my locker number and unfortunately, I was sharing a locker with some guy. Can you believe it? Sharing? Really? Which means that I have to be very careful with what I keep there.

I open my locker and am about to shove some of my books in the upper section when a loud voice makes me flinch.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I spin around to see a tall guy staring at me with a sharp gaze which are burning holes in my body. His blue eyes stared at me as if I was trying to steal his money. Mustering all the courage I could, I slightly push that guy away and say, "Keep your volume low, Mr. I-am-a-furious-asshole. We're sharing this locker."

He steps back a little bit since my push had no effect on him. My eyes involuntarily travel all across his body. He is really tall, I must say. I barely made it to his nose. His icy blue eyes didn't leave my face. He has a well-built body. I'm pretty sure he goes to the gym every day.

"I'm not sharing my locker with you." He shoves me away and closes his locker with a loud thud. He turns around and looks straight into my eyes.

"We are. If you want to change your locker, you may but I'm not. Oh, and just to let you know, no other locker is available," I say in a neutral tone. I hope he decides to share a locker with anyone but me. I don't want to see this gorgeously impassive face every day.

"How could they fucking do this!" He mutters to himself as he opens his locker yet again to stuff a few papers back in his bag. He turns to me."You have the upper section. Don't you dare touch any of my belongings."

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