Chapter 10

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Chris POV:

He stopped crying after I gave him a glass of water. And he calmed down after drinking the water.

"Dad, mommy Natalie told me that you and she loved each other since you were young. And, you both were happy. And, mommy Natalie told me you guys had some misunderstandings and didn't talk with each other." He said while curiously looking at me.

"Yes, we both loved since we were young. And, we separated our ways when we were adults." If Natalie told this to Blake then it's alright. Someday, he will learn it. I cheated on Rachel but I hope he understands how I love Natalie. And accepts our love. Even forgive me for cheating on his mother.

"Mommy Natalie, also told me that when she went to apologise to you for what she did to you! You were already, together with my mommy Rachel." He takes time to say the next sentence "And she told me that mommy Rachel got in the relationship between you two and that's why you guys broke up and got separated."

Why did Natalie say this to Blake? Rachel got in between us? When? She never did and when did Natalie got came to me to apologise. She was with that guy josh. She left me for him. She cheated on me for him when we were together.

What Natalie said is a lie. She never came to me after she broke up with me. Why would she lie to Blake?

Natalie, what nonsense you talked with Blake!

"No, Blake. Your mom Rachel didn't come in between our relationship. Your super mommy Natalie left me when we were together." I need to clarify for Blake that his mother never came in between my past relationship.

"But, daddy. Grandmother also said the same that you and mommy Natalie separated because of my mommy Rachel." He looks at me confused and said.

What my mom also said was the same as Natalie. Didn't she know how broke I was when Natalie left me?

I know my mom hates Rachel because of her middle-class background. But, I didn't expect she will lie to Blake.

It's unnecessary.

I need to know what else my mom and Natalie said to Blake.

"Chris, what else has Natalie and grandmother told you." I need to know now.

"Daddy, grandmother told me that mommy married you because you were wealthy. And, she didn't love you. She married you for our money and power." He says to be confused once again.

What the fuck? Mom, I can't believe you said this to Blake. It's a lie. Why did my mom tell Blake this lie?

I can't believe my mom knows Rachel didn't marry me for my money or power. And, she loved and married me because she loved me.

As I thought this. I feel pain in my heart. I can't believe someone who loved me for myself and not my background.

After Natalie left me a few girls came to me but they were for my money and my family name.

I can't believe I hurt her and cheated on her. Rachel, what I did to her is unforgivable.

Damn it! I love Rachel but when I think of Natalie! I can't forget Natalie. She was the woman I loved, my first love.

But, I need to tell Blake the truth. He cannot think Rachel of this way.

"Blake, your mother never loved me because of my money or background. She, married me because she loved me and I loved her. And, your mom works in hospital remember. She does not need to work after she married me." I take a deep breath and continues. "Your mom doesn't love money and power. She loves her job and your mom is good at it."

There is only one thing in my mind. I want to let my son what kind of person is his mother.

"Blake, your mom didn't come into a relationship between me and Natalie. I and Natalie broke up before I meet your mother. And, after I and Natalie got separated we didn't talk or see each other till a few years back at the time you were born. I and your mom Rachel lived happily." I said in one breath.

He looks confused and I think he can't understand.

"Daddy, you mean my mommy didn't come in between you and mommy Natalie? And, she didn't do any bad things to you and Natalie? You both married because you love each other and mommy didn't marry too because of our money." His voice contains shock.

Well, he understands. I can't, believe a 7-year-old can understand this. Maybe I still think he's a kid.

"Yes, Blake. You are correct."I say him and what he says next shocked me.

"Daddy then why did you get divorced if you love each other? I thought you didn't love mommy and you loved mommy Natalie. So, what's the reason you got divorced. If mommy didn't do any wrong or bad things."

I don't know what to say? Should I tell him I cheated on his mommy when we were married? That, now I like Natalie.

Wait! Did he hate Rachel and avoid her because he thought his mommy did bad things and came between us and married me for money?

"Blake, I love Natalie. And, till now I also like your mother and I don't hate or be angry at your mother." I'm ready to tell you I cheated on her. But, will he hate me. I don't know what he will think. He believed my mother and Natalie lies and hated Rachel. But, if I tell you the truth will he hate me? " Blake, did you hate Rachel because you thought she did bad things and married me for my money and got in between me and Natalie?"

I ask him to know did he hate her because of this.

"Yes, daddy. I hated mom because of this. But, why did mommy Natalie and grandma say this? Did they lie to me?"

I laughed at his last words. Why? Because if think what I think it is. They both fucking planned and got you separated from your mother.

They also fooled me. Damn it! I know my mom did this because she wanted me to together with Natalie. But, why Natalie? Why would she do this to Blake and lie to him?

Is it because of full custody of Blake?

I'm an idiot! Maybe at that time when Blake hated his mom. I should have talked to him and made him tell me why.

I was blind. I did ask him at that time. He said it was because mommy doesn't love him and always restricts him.

"Yes. Because your grandmother hates your mother because of her middle-class background" I said this to Blake.

"So, grandmother hates mommy because of this and does mommy Natalie also hates mom. Because they both told me not to say this to anyone." He says.

"Yes," I Said to Blake.

"Then, why did you always was angry at mommy and why didn't you talk to her or eat foods mommy makes at home. Why did you leave the house and stay in a penthouse in the city? You also hate mommy." Blake asks me this.

Shit! Today talk I didn't think it will leave me to this.

Suddenly, the door opens...

"That's because, your dad cheated on your mother with Natalie, Blake. And he was guilty and showed angrily. Instead, for asking forgiveness." I heard a female voice. I know who is my sister.

I turned my head to look at her same as Blake.

When did she come and how much did she hear.

"You understand what cheating right, Blake." She speaks with rage.

"Yes, aunt," Blake tells her and walks to her to give hug.


Thank you, everyone. ☺️

The next chapter will be about Chris's sister and Chris confronting his Mother.

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