Chapter 3

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Rachel POV:

As I woke up got ready and handed over the key to the nanny.

I told her my farewells and told her I was going to San Francisco and left the home with one big bag full of my things. And booked Uber then I left.

I arrived at the court.

As  I told him to wait and took my handbag and left the car.

I deliberately came late.

And went inside the courtroom especially for private cases. And I saw my lawyers Travis he greeted me and I nodded him back. As I started to feel nervous. Will Blake come and hug me? Will be mad at me? Will he speak to me?

As I thinking Travis gave an assured look that everything will be okay. Then he spoke, " Rachel let's go in inside they are waiting" as he spoke he opened the door.

As I cloud see in the room my soon going to ex-husband and son along with 2 lawyers and his Assistant.

My son looks at me as I only fixed my eyes on him. He walks over to me by nodding to his father. He comes close to me after what he said shocked me.

"I want you to stay away from me, daddy and my super mommy," he said angrily like I will not do as he said and was afraid that I will trouble those two.

A drop of water comes down from both eyes and smiled at my son. I said, " Mommy, will promise to leave you and all of you alone." I said munch difficulty.

She understood that he is angry at her but she don't understand why angry at her.

She then looks at Chris as he didn't look at her instead looked at his lawyer as of having a conversation with him.

Soon, the judge comes and ask for the details and both provide evidence and tell for the reason for divorce. And soon his lawyers read out the things were given by her husband as she was shocked as the lot was given by him to me.
And hands out the paper to check and sign it.

After I read through the papers and signed them immediately as later I would change my mind.

Chris was shocked by this scene as he thought I  would ask again one more time to stop the divorce.

And next, they were giving to head lawyer the papers.

And my condition was one but that immediately once again shocked Chris by what I said.

My lawyer said, " my client is going to give full custody rights to Mr Chris Williams" and looked that opposite side.

Chris lawyers were shocked as well as they didn't expect this.

Chris shouted " Rachel don't you want to see our son. I didn't expect this from you" this anger I have seen many times in this last year.

I took out a deep breath as everyone was looking at me, " Your Horner, I am willing to do this because My son doesn't want me anymore. I'm a failure of both a mother and wife. It's best to do this. If you can ask him if he needs me I will share custody rights. If he's not I'm going give full rights to his father." I have to be strong at this moment. " And also this is what my child and his father requested before."

Chris looks shocked so shocked, he did ask me this in our last meeting is just I'm giving him what he needs. Before he forcefully takes it away.

"Alright, is your son is here Mr Chris," the judge asked him. He said yes. And judge wants to speak to our son and ask permission from Chris and he also said okay.

Soon my son walks with Chris family butler.

"Hello'' the judge greets my son and ask " Blake, can I ask you a question and you must tell the truth," Blake says "yes"

"Do you want to live with your mother? If you want I can arrange for you to meet your mother on weekdays to live with her." Judge asks my son.

After some time he says "no" as expected of his reply. Then sorry Blake mom will full fill your wish and leave.

I look at everyone face with a complicated expression. Chris once again looks shocked. I think he didn't expect our son will say this.

"Alright,'' the judge responds "Since the child doesn't need his mother and also the mother is giving full custody. The all the rights will go to Mr Chris Williams." The Judge ends it with it.

I signed the papers fastest speed possible feeling I would cry or change my mind. Also, I sign the divorce papers by noon everything will be processed. I'm no more married to Chris.

I ask my lawyer to take the other paper and I sign it soon.

This paper will give all things Chris gave me to my son. All the money and properties will be transferred to Blake when he is 18.

I don't need anything that Chris gives me as I didn't love him for his money.

I loved him for the man he was.

I go to Chris and give him the wedding ring. As it means nothing now. And tells him " Goodbye, please take good care of Blake. And congratulations you got what you wanted." By saying this, I go to my son. He only nods.

"Blake, I know you hate mommy. But, mommy will always love you. Take care and be a great man in future." As I gave him a kiss and a hug. I didn't look back I don't want him to say something that will hurt me. I left the room quickly.

As I had walked to my lawyer.

"Bye, Travis. Give the paper to Chris on Friday." As I tell him. He hugs me. As I hug him back.

"Kid, what are you going to do now. Move back to San Francisco." Travis asks me.

I rely upon a "yes" and bid him my farewell and go to my cab. On the I didn't see Chris. He left I think.

Travis is actually would have been my godfather but my godmother and Travis got divorced soon.

I got a message from Travis the divorce has been processed successfully. And he mailed the documents.

My life in New York comes to an end. As I'm on my flight to San Francisco.

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