Chapter 5.1

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Chris POV:


After my divorce. My sister completely ignores me. I have been close with my sister all the time. My sister hates Natalie she always tells me she is not a good person of character. She hates her but maintains a good relationship on the surface only to the public eye. Which both their dose. My sister last told me " Chris, you're my brother and it's your choice to love someone, but you cheated and divorced Rachel for Natalie isn't something I can forgive you." And "Both you and Natalie deserve each other both cheated on a relationship and left loved one for another."


I love my mother but my mother is not someone who loves children no matter what. Sine, we were a child my mother always want perfection. I and my sister had not an easy childhood. Always, extra classes and tuitions even we don't want it. She is someone who loves to party and attend social gatherings. A typical rich wife who has money and connection to powerful people. This is why my sister never spends time with her.

My mother always hated Rachel for her background and she was always hostile towards her. My mother loves Natalie a lot even more than my sister. Natalie is the type of daughter she wants. She always wants my sister to be like her. That's why my sister hates Natalie. Since she can't have one she wants to be her daughter-in-law and she was so happy and planned marriage even before we loved each other.

Even when she left, my mother thought it was my mistake, not hers that is why we grew apart. She always thinks Rachel took her place by seducing me. When she found out I loved Rachel she went all against it. But, under my father's warning, she accepted me and Rachel.

When she found out I have been cheating on Rachel I thought she would be angry with me. But, she told me Natalie is the one who I was to be meant with. She told adults to make mistakes and they fight and leave but one day they will be together and love will be stronger than before.

I felt the same when I met her again and loved her more than before.

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