Day3 part 2

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In avni's house :
Avni was ready to go out in her beautiful yet very simple pink outfit with her big eyes which were now well drew with her black kajal and her beautiful big silver earrings .,but her father stopped her.
Ashish:"avni where are you going this early in the morning ?"
Avni:"A..actually my..umm ! Someone came to pick me up for office"well she felt embarrassed to tell him that it was her boss.
Aisha , who was listening to their conversation went to the window to find out about the person who came to take her daughter for work and she was surprised to find a very charming and most importantly for her a rich looking man leaning on his classy car in his grey suit and wait! Was that her daughter Pooja in his arms eating ice cream ? Yes !!
Aisha:" Avni Ashish come fast !" She shouted and in a second they were there.
Avni looked into the direction of her mother's weird gaze to find Neil lifting her sister in his arms eating ice cream and that was a sight that made her smile from ear to ear ,it just melted her heart .
Aisha:" awwww 🥰 "
Avni just changed her smile into a frown and asked annoyed :"what awww?"
Aisha:" your looking at him just the way I used to look at your father ! LOVINGLY" with that she blushed . Avni just slapped her forehead .
Ashish :"so Avni ! Is he your friend or boyfriend?"
Avni was shocked :"what ? No ! He is my boss!"
Aisha:"oh come on Avni we are cool parents you know ? You can tell us that he is your BF ! I mean which boss does take this much interest in his PA ?!"
Avni:" ughhhh mom stop over reacting because  there is nothing like that , and you know that I am not into rich men so how can you even think like that ? Anyways by "with that she went out .
As soon as Neil saw her he just became mesmerized with her beauty she was just looking more beautiful day by day ,he stared at her from head to toe that he didn't even hear Pooja say :" Neil I know that sis is looking gorgeous but it doesn't mean that you'll keep on staring at her and keep me your prisoner just put me down  "she said it casually but she didn't know that it was the most akward moment for avneil and just to change the topic Avni took Pooja from his arms and said:"Pooja you are only 6 don't call him by his name ! Call him uncle okay?"
Neil:"what ? Uncle ? Oh hell no Pooja ! Don't call me that because I am not that old just call me Neil " they shared a high five which made Avni chuckle at their cute bond , but in the same time as that she noticed something in pooja's hand
Avni:"Pooja what is this in your hand ?"
Pooja:"oh!this? The melted chocolate ice cream that Neil bought for me on our first date !"
Avni tapped her forehead :"just go in and wash ! And sorry sir if she demanded it I.."
Neil cut her off:"noo ! She didn't I did! " He then said by to Pooja who was waving her hand at them as a gesture of good bye from the window of avni's room .they waved back at her and entered the car and.... .
Well yes it is the end of the second part.
  I hope you enjoyed it .
If you did then plz vote and comment .
I will not be updating  the 3rd and 4th part today . But I'll try to do that as soon as possible let's say In one of the upcoming 3 days
Love you all ❤️🌹🌸🥰. Hope you understand.😊🤲💜.

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