Part 18

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Marcus/ The Pastor POV

Peering once again at my watch, I sighed as traffic had seemed to emerge out of no where. With my thoughts scrambled, and my heart left at Ryann's grave, I silently prayed that God would help me get through the rest of the day without going insane.

Sighing once again as my car crawled closely behind a red Toyota, I pulled out my phone checking to see if Mystery had called me back. She hadn't, taking an exhausted arm I scratched behind my ear as guilt ate me up. It was no lie, and everyone knew it, that Mystery had completely stopped talking to me, I tried to avoid the stares from the congregation as my families usual seat remained empy. Throwing my phone down roughly, my heart lifted as traffic picked up, pressing my foot onto the pedal, my hands glided against the leather steering wheel as I gleefully pulled into the airport's parking lot. Quickly parking, I stepped out into the brisk air, as my hands ran down my fresh navy blue suit. Looking into the sky, I sent a quick prayer to God, as the sky got darker and clouds gloomier.

Popping open my trunk with a single tap of my key, I quickly pulled out my green suitcase and leather black briefcase. Barely glancing at my watch, I took quick strides as I realized that my plane would take off in twenty minute's. Accelerating through the automatic glass doors, I checked in my suitcase, and handed the attendant my ticket.

"Right this way sir."

Pulling open a heavy metal door, I was led down the corridor, onto the nearly empty plane and into first class. Setting my briefcase onto the seat next to me, I casually popped it open as an attendant excitedly skipped over. Smiling at me slightly, she seemed to fight for my attention as I was more indulged into my work.

"Did you want something young lady?"

Noting her powdered face, her hand tightly clenched around her pencil and notepad. She watched unbothered as the other passangers took their seats.

"No sir, I wanted to know what you wanted?"

With annoyance written all over my face, I reached for the menu, which was securely tucked into the lower carriage, and quickly flipped through.

"Get me a New York sub and soup, make the drink a coke."

Scribbling down my order, she bounded away, leaving me to my business. Checking all my papers, I sighed as I realized a sense of nervousness had swelled into the pit of my stomach. This was a big job, not many people got to travel. In hopes of spreading the word of god, and of course bringing more money into my already popular church, I was sent to Jamaica. I and other members of our ministry had invested money into this trip, first I would go to small towns such as Sandy Bay, opening up a free school, and shelters, our good deed would "anonymously" get noticed by the media. This eventually would bring people into the church, meaning more tides.

Smiling knowingly, I slid on my head phones on and settled in while I scanned through Netflix. Flicking my finger up as I searched through my recent movies, I noticed slight movement out of the corner of my eye. Looking up to see the bubbly attendant, my smile faltered as she saw that her presence seemed to annoy me. It was something about her, her fingers slightly shook beneath the plate as she sat it down onto the black table in front of me. With my drink not to far behind, I nodded my head, thanking her as I lifted the drink to my lips. As the bitter coke splashed onto my lips and ran smoothly down my throat I relaxed a little.

After 2 seasons of 'American Horror Story,' and one of 'The Walking Dead,' my eye's finally lifted towards the oval window and scanned over the beautiful tree's, light blue water, and unbelievable white sand. Pulling off my headphones, I licked my dry lips, raising my arms above my head I stretched.

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