Chapter 9

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Aurora's pov

The next few days passed by with peace and quite. Many people had been discharged from the pack hospital now and life was back to its regular, old, boring routine. Mom and aunt Rose used to call me daily asking me how i was. I of course used to lie to them saying I was just so happy over here and about how me and Caleb were so in love with one another when actually reality was something else.

Me and Caleb, well we had not even met for the past five days. I used to leave the pack house a diffrent time from his. Have dinner and lunch after he had his. Basically I avoided him anywhere and everywhere I could. But I knew I couldn't forever. One such evening when I was sitting in my room reading a book, I heard a knock on my door and I went to open it.

To my surprise it was Caleb itself. 'I have something important to discuss with you.' He said to me. I let him inside and he seemed surprised to see my room. Of course I had completely renovated it. I couldn't stand those dark colours on its walls. He did not say a word though and for a minute we both just stood staring at each other. Finally I raised my eyebrows and he started speaking,'I.... I need help in the pack office. I need you to come over there and help.' He said in a hesitant voice. 'Okay.' I just replied. 'So, will I see you over there after lunch.' He asked. 'OK, alpha.' I replied. Nodding his head he turned to leave and before leaving he turned around and said, 'Aurora, please call me Caleb not alpha.' and without saying another word just left the room leaving me confused.

*Next day*

I got up early before Caleb and had my breakfast. After that I went to the training arena and started with my daily routine. When I was practicing I couldn't help but feel someone looking at me, when I turned around I saw Caleb over there. As soon as he saw me he immedietly left. What the hell was the matter with this guy? Ugh!

After lunch I went and knocked on the door of his office. He looked and saw me snd said, 'Aurora! Come in!' I just glared and went in. 'You said you wanted my help.' I said in a plain voice.

'I did. Here, I want you to complete this and also look through these.' He said handing me a stack of papers and files and pointing over to a desk at the end of the room he said, 'That will be your desk.' I just nodded. What else could I say. But even when I was working or I was communicating with him over matters I could see changes in his expressions all the time. Like he was an inner battle with himself. 'What the hell is the matter with this guy?' I asked Gina and she replied,'I don't know, even his wolf is weird. Why? Why this mate of all werewolves, moon goddess?' Gina said and I felt like laughing but I controlled it. The tension in the office was so much that you could cut it with a knife. Finally when I left it  did I  breath a sigh of relief. I decided to go for a run letting my wolf take over completely.

Gina's pov(Aurora's wolf)

I was glad that after so many days she let me take over completely and let me run freely. I needed this release. We both did as a matter of fact. When I was standing peacefully relishing the nature I heard a noise behind me. I knew who it was but even then I turned. It was my mate. I could see his wolf had taken over as well. Both of us were standing in front of each other. 'What is your name?' I finally asked him.

'Jeremy.' He replied. He patiently said, 'Look Gina I am sorry. About everything. Would you please stop blocking me out when I try to talk with you.' He said. 'Well when I tried to talk with you, you didn't reply. Then why shouldn't I do the same. I am not a doll that you can just  use and throw.' I replied back.

'Gina, I...' he started saying. 'Don't!' I replied back. 'Don't come near me. Or try to use our mate bond. Yes, you are my mate and all that but that dosent mean that aurora is not important to me. You and your human Caleb have hurt us enough. As your mate I will always be attracted to you but as long as aurora is not comfortable around Caleb I am not comfortable around you. The poor girl has suffered enough. And don't you dare takeover and force her to do something and tell that to Caleb as well because then you will have to face the consequences.' I said to him.

'Gina, Caleb does have some issues in the past.' He said. 'Then tell him to open up about it and atleast tell him how to behave. Whatever he did really hurt aurora. Whatever Jeremy, I will see you later.' I said snd walked away.

A tear did escape through my eye. My mate was standing over there and I........ No but I will be strong, when and if aurora wants to then only I will let my mate bear me. I could not be unfaithful to her. After all I am her wolf. I chose not to tell aurora about this and her immedietly take over.

'What happened Gina?' she asked me. 'Nothing, just had a good run.' I replied back.

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