Chapter 8

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Caleb's pov

When aurora left me all alone in my room finally after a very a long time in my life I felt restless and helpless. My life had always been a mess. It had always been.

The truth was that after my grandmother this pack had never known what a real luna was. My father was a cruel and heartless man. Even more than I was. His on y dream was to expand this pack more and more. He went around killing and capturing all the packs around his.

One day he went ahead and attacked a pack. He killed the alpha and both his sons but when he reached the alpha's daughter he realized that she was his mate. My mother hated him. Absolutely hates him. Loathed him. She rejected him at the first glance. My father being the way he was did not accept the rejection but instead forcefully brought her over to his pack as the pack's luna. He even forcefully marked her and mated with her. After that she hated him even more.

When my father realized that he did the grave mistake of thinking that a baby will make her start loving him. He forced her to bear him a son. Me. I was born because of that. My mother loved me a lot but she also hated my father that much. She fought with him tooth and nail and refused to acknowledge herself as the pack's luna. This all happened just in two years of their so called forceful marriage. All my life behind closed doors I heard my parents screaming at each other and my father forcing my mother to submit to him. It seemed as if he wanted to break her and he was successful in doing that. When I ten years old I could not bear to see my mother. She had lost all the spark in her eyes. She did not talk with anyone. Not even me. She would lock herself up in her room and stare into empty spaces. She became like a doll with no life inside her.

When my father finally realized the amount of damage he had done he tried fixing it but it was too late. He tried to take her out, tried talking with her gently, bringing her flowers and all that but now nothing seemed to work.

My mother flinched whenever he tried to touch her. Screamed when he came near her and looked at him with tears and fear in her eyes. She went into such a depression that it finally killed her. I was by her side all the time. The last thing she did before dying was that she finally spoke with me telling me that I was the only light in her life and kissed me on my forehead. After that my mom fell into an eternal sleep never to wake up.

My father went crazy after she passed away. I couldn't care less. I hated him for what he did to my mom all her life. Then he went ahead and tried fixing his relationship  with me but I wanted nothing to do with him. He was the man responsible for my dear mom's death. Finally after I turned eighteen he left the pack. To never come back. Before leaving he just apologized to me for everything. I don't even know what he is doing right now. Maybe living a rogue lifestyle or has adapted to a human lifestyle. I don't know but I don't care. Everyone says that moon goddess makes mate bonds in heaven but the one my parents had was made in hell.

I never wanted a mate. All my life. Seeing the messed up mate bond between my parents I didn't want one. But then aurora came into my life.

That day when I first saw her at the party she looked like a Ray of sunshine lighting up my dark life. So beautiful. But then I reminded myself I don't want a mate. I don't need a mate. By seeing my parents I don't know how well can me and my mate do.

Aurora thought that I didn't care about her and I didn't see her but the truth was that I always did see her. I saw how well she took care of this pack. How this pack had started loving her. She was a strong, kind girl.

I know whatever I said I shouldn't have. I am ashamed about it. She is a not a 'Filthy half breed' but indeed a hero's daughter. A person who risked his life in order to save hundreds of other people. But when she mentioned about having another mate I don't know why but I lost my control and said all the wrong things to her but the idea of seeing her with someone else is unbearable for me.

I want to hold her, kiss  her, love her but I.... I don't know how to even start this relation. All my life I thought I don't want a mate, I don't need a mate  and I was glad when on my eighteenth birthday I didn't meet one, but now after ten years when I finally met one, Aurora, maybe I am thinking something else.

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