Chapter 9: That Was For Him

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Song is for the start of the chapter!

In honor of Valentines day, I decided to post another chapter this week! Enjoy!!!

Also this amazing photo was made by annabethgranger666

Darla H

I turned up my music that was already blasting in my headphones as we drove into the Seattle ice arena parking lot. I looked at the enormous building and let out a breath to cool my nerves, knowing that the next few days would determine if I had it in me to make it to nationals.

I felt the car turn off and without a word; I exited it, knowing what I had to do next since I had been to enough competitions and this one was no different, at least that is what I told myself.

"El," mom said as she pulled out one of my headphones. "Goodness, I have been talking to you for like 10 minutes. No wonder you didn't respond to me," she said with a smirk. She knew how I got with my competitions. I sunk into my headspace, refusing to come out for anyone.

Right now, it was all about my skating. Nothing could distract me, I couldn't let it. I looked at her with a slight frown, since she was killing my focus. "Sorry. What did you want?" I asked as I grabbed my skate bag and my dress bag.

"I'm going to drop your brothers at the hotel. Kris said she'll be here in an hour for your warm-up ice this evening."

I nodded as I put my music back in my ears. "I'll see you later," I said, waving her off. I stretched, feeling my muscles tense up. That four-hour car ride was a little longer than I wanted it to be and left me stiff and slightly sore.

Mom kissed my cheek and smiled. She moved her mouth, but because of the music playing, I couldn't hear her. I was sure she said something like 'I love you' but instead of making her repeat it, I just nodded with a smile. With that, she walked back into the car and drove off.

I let out another breath as I walked into the building. The smell of the competition hit me like a brick wall. It didn't matter where the skating competitions were at, they always smelt the same; hairspray, superglue, and tears.

I walked up to the check-in desk with my head held high. From now on, everyone would look at me and they needed to know that I belonged here. I deserved this and I would win. This year was going to be my year. I paused the music I had blasting through my headphones and smiled at the people behind the table that checked people in. "Hi, is this where I check in?"

They both looked up at me and nodded. "It sure is!"

"Great, my name is Ellis da Souza."

One of the ladies quickly flipped through some name tags. "Got it. Welcome to sectionals. Dressing rooms are to the right. You can follow the signs," she said and handed me a bag of information and goodies that the local rink moms put together.

"Thank you so much," I said as I took it, giving them one last smile before I walked away.

"Ellis, Ellis da Souza? Is that you!" I heard my name called out.

Stopping in my tracks, I sighed rather loudly, but no loud enough for the voice to hear. I didn't want to face her. I was hoping I could slip in without her seeing me, but she was like a bloodhound. Regretfully, I turned to face a girl named Taylor to see her perfectly straight blonde hair already hair sprayed into place, hinting she was trying too hard. "Taylor! It's so good to see you again!" I said as I gave her a hug with the fakest smile I could muster.

I tried to tone down the voice in my mind which said, 'I hoped that she never came to this competition to begin with'. In fact, last I heard, I thought she wasn't coming based on some mental breakdown or something.

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