Chapter 5: That's My Brother

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As someone who is proud to be from Ohio, I just had to throw in some local magic. Enjoy the song from the band that's from my home town!

Darla H

I sat by the doors of the basketball stadium and waited for Garret, who said he would be here by now, but he was five minutes late, causing me to think he stood me up. I should have known this would happen. Hockey Players and Figure Skaters were completely different people and we weren't meant to date one another.

Breaking me from my frustrated thoughts was Jaimie, who spoke up. "El, were you waiting for me?" Jaimie smiled as he walked up to me.

I shook my head with a smirk as I looked around the empty hall. I had seen him off and on all day, but it was only now that he decided to talk to me when no one was around. I wondered if that was planned or if it was just because he didn't notice. "Hardly."

He pretended to look hurt as he held his heart. "Ouch," he said as Callum walked up to us.

I hadn't seen Callum at all this past day during school, so it surprised me to see him now.

Callum stuffed his hands into his jeans and looked at us casually, as if he always talked to us. "Hey Ellis," Callum said coolly, with amusement in his eyes as he watched Jaimie and I interact with one another.

I frowned at him, feeling judged by him. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

He chuckled, knowing I was uncomfortable, but he liked that. He was rubbing me the wrong way, and I wanted him to leave before Garret got here. "I go to school here. Why wouldn't I be here?" he smiled.

I frowned, not liking his cocky answer. As I looked into his dark eyes, I could see that he was hiding something and I think Callum hid a lot of things. There were things that were filled in the space of silence, lost conversation, wishes, beliefs, that he would not share as he looked at me, and I wasn't sure if he would ever share.

I remembered the conversation that Cami, Quinn and I had about him over lunch today. They didn't know a thing about him. He was like a blank canvas. Even though everyone saw him around, they knew him, but they didn't at the same time. He left no clues about himself, he did what was told, but left nothing to gain an opinion of him.

"But anyhow, I'm here to write about the game for the newspaper," he said as he pulled out his notebook for proof.

I nodded, taking his response as a solid answer. As much as I didn't want to trust him, there was something that told me he wasn't that bad. "Cool," I said as I fought the blush that came to my cheeks. The way he teased me, I couldn't decide if I liked it or was irritated by it.

"We're still on for the interview, right?"

I nodded in silence, not knowing what else to say.

"Great. See you then," he winked, then walked into the gym.

Jaimie and I watched as he disappeared into the crowded gym. "Did I just see you get flustered?" Jaimie grinned, enjoying this moment.

I was always known to be cool and collected, but when I saw Callum, I wanted to melt. I found him intimidating, but intriguing at the same time. He was like a wave, pulling me into the ocean but then pushing back onto the beach. Everyone thought that Callum Weeks had it all together, but no one could be that smooth and I wanted to know his secrets. "Shut up," I said as I rolled my eyes just as Garret walked up to us. Saved by the bell. Jaimie would drop it if he knew what was good for him.

Jaimie looked at Garret, then at me with a smug smile, enjoying every second of this entire experience. At least I could give him some entertainment. But I wouldn't hear the end of this at home. "I'll see you inside, El," he said and went into the gym, leaving us alone.

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