Chapter 25

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The next few months of my pregnancy past by like the blink of an eye. Physically I didn't see much a difference because I just started to have a belly and I was only 4 months pregnant. I still felt the same as before. Luckily I vomited less but I was a lot more tired whenever I came home.

One time Xander was working late and I waited for him to come home which he insisted before that I should go to bed instead of waiting up for him. Being stubborn as I am, I stayed on the couch until I passed out and the next morning I woke up in bed with Xander. When he got up he told me I must have fallen asleep and made me promise that I shouldn't wait for him but I told him he would do the same if it were me coming home late. That ended the conversation that day.

Today I'm about 20 weeks along and it's the morning of another doctor's appointment but this one is much more important than any other appointment. This is the visit where we get to know the gender of our baby. Xander says he doesn't care whether it's a boy or a girl just as long as it's a healthy baby. I for one think he would secretly want a boy just because he would have someone to look up to. As for me, I don't have any preference for the gender of the baby. I'm just happy to carry Xander's child.

Inside the check-up room, we're anxiously waiting for the doctor for what seems like forever. The morning of this appointment Xander was more anxious than I. He woke up earlier than me and kept bugging me to hurry up while I was getting dressed. I told him to be patient but after he kept asking if I was ready I was starting to lose my patience with him. I knew he was anxious about this appointment. If I remember correctly Xander's first child was carried up to 3 months until Olivia's addiction took over. I knew Xander never got to know the gender because of what happened with Olivia so I don't blame him for pestering me. When I finished getting ready I quickly ate something before Xander asks if I'm ready for like the 15th time this morning.

Back in the check-up room, the doctor enters and begins apologizing for being late before checking up on me.

"Well everything seems well but I do suggest you get more sleep." Xander and I look at each other.

"Thank you, I told her that she should be getting more rest," Xanders says and I roll my eyes in annoyance. Lately, Xander has been a little controlling with me. First, he's been putting me on a diet even though I'm kind of already on one because of the restrictions I was given by the doctor. He also keeps pestering me to get more sleep since I started working on another deal. It has been annoying but Dr. Blanchard smiles at my annoyance.

"Let's get started on your ultrasound." She says shaking my thoughts. I get up on the bed and lift my shirt so she can squirt the gel over my stomach before she begins placing the medical instrument. She keeps moving it over my stomach until she notices on the screen a small grey looking figure. The doctor takes down some notes.

"Over here is the head and here is the body," She says while pointing at the screen. Xander looks at the monitor and I can see a small smile play on his lips. "Would you two like to know the gender?" Dr. Blanchard asks.

"Yes," We say in unison. Xander and I have discussed whether we wanted to know if the baby were a boy or a girl. We kept going back and forth but in the end, we decided that we wanted to know.

"Okay," The doctor says. ", You two are having a girl." Xander and I look at each other for a moment. I smile at him as Xander kisses my forehead and continues to look at the screen.

After the doctor is done cleaning me up from the gel and has everything she needs on my checkup, we both schedule our following appointment. On the drive back to the apartment I noticed that Xander was quiet when we were told the gender of our baby. It's starting to make me worried.

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