Chapter 7

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When the pizza is finally delivered I'm already starving. I call out for Trina to tell her that her pizza has arrived. We both ordered our own since we have different tastes. We both eat our food in the living room.

"I never realized how hungry I was," I comment while eating my third slice of pizza.

"Yeah me either," She says looking at my plate, "then again we had a long day of shopping. I still have to find some shoes for my dress. Do you want to join me tomorrow for some shoe shopping?" She asks.

"Sure! As long as we don't go to so many stores this time." I warn and Trina laughs. Part of me doesn't want to go with her but I'm desperate for a distraction. Xander has popped into my mind constantly, no matter how many distractions I get myself into I will always find my thoughts drift back to him.

"Well, I hope I find something." She says noticing my sudden silence. I continue eating my pizza and notice I've eaten at least half of my food. I stop myself from eating more and save the rest for later.

"I don't know about you but I'm full," Trina says after going through 4 slices of pizza. "It's still early. Do you want to watch a movie?" She asks while looking at her phone.

"Sure," I say. The more time I spend away from my phone the better I won't be tempted to answer his messages.

"What do you want to watch?" She asks while scrolling through Netflix. 

"Anything but romance," I say teasingly.

We decide on a movie that has some romance but is more of a mystery type of movie. When we get through the film my eyes start to feel heavy but I keep myself awake until the end of the movie. 

"That was some ending," Trina comments about the movie we just watched.

"I'm getting a little tired so I'm going to head to bed," I say to her and she agrees with me.

When I get into my pajamas I decide that I'm too tired to take off my make up so I just leave it on. I then proceed to collapse into my bed and fall fast asleep. 

The next morning I wake up around 9 and decide to take a shower. I never released how tired I was until last night's makeup streams down my face after my shower. After cleaning my face I re-apply a fresh face of natural makeup and get dressed into some casual clothing keeping in mind Trina wants to go out and shop again. As soon as I'm dressed I head back to my nightstand to get my phone but I notice that my voicemail inbox is full. I take the initiative to go through my voicemail by deleting them. I know it's Xander but I really wish he could just wait till we meet on Monday. Thirty minutes go by and I've gone through my entire voicemail inbox and trying to not be tempted to answer any of his messages. When I'm finished clearing my phone I head to the kitchen. Knowing that Trina is still asleep I make her and I breakfast. I cook sausage, eggs, pancakes, and put some coffee to brew. When my coffee is made I immediately feel a little nauseous and head to my bathroom to throw up. I swear it must be the fact I'm getting sick. I make a mental note to call my doctor about my nausea. After brushing my teeth I see that Trina has gotten out of her room dressed in her robe.

"Morning! I made breakfast." I say. 

"I see that. You know you didn't have to." Trina says while meeting me by the counter table.

"I know but I thought I could do something since I got up earlier," I explain while I pull a chair out to sit. 

"Well let's not make it a habit because I'll have to sleep in more from now on." She says jokingly.

I smile and we dig into our food. After going through our food we decide on going back to the stores in an hour. Trina excuses herself so she could get ready to leave and I use the hour to clean the kitchen after my sudden urge to cook breakfast. Once I'm done cleaning I move to the living room by picking up last night's take out dinner. I soon get back to my room and keep my mind busy by putting away some laundry I left. Finally, I hear Trina announce that she is ready to leave. I'm more than happy to leave the apartment and once again I leave my phone on the nightstand powered off. 

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