Chapter 11

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The next morning I get out of bed slowly. Most of the night I could barely sleep because of my nerves. I have mixed feelings about today and I don't know how my father or my family will act. A big part of me hopes that they have changed their ways but a small part of me is afraid that they haven't. 

No. I need to stay positive. I shake the feeling away and get dressed. I decided to dress for the cold weather. The valley weather has some differences when compared to the Bay area. I decide to wear some light washed skinny jeans and a white long-sleeve cable knit top that fits loosely around me. For shoes, I wore my tan ankle boots and bring my long tan coat with me just in case it rains. Since this visit is casual I decide to wear my hair down by styling it in loose waves. For my makeup, I don't do much, other than mascara, a tinted chapstick, and the usual face makeup to cover my under-eye circles. I look in the mirror and all I feel is my mind running a mile a minute until I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I open it and see Trina dressed in her robe with no makeup on and her hair tied up in a loose bun.

"Morning Nat," She yawns but takes a second to look at me when the door is pushed further open, "Wait? Why are you dressed? I thought I was dressing you for your date?" She asks while looking confused.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you last night that my father called and said he wanted me to see today," I explain.

"Hold up! Your father called you? How did he get your number? And why call at all?" She questions. At the same time, I allow her inside my room to sit on my bed as I explain.

"I know! I didn't get a straight answer on how he got a hold of me and all he said was to meet him at home so he could discuss a family matter. I didn't get anything else other than mentioning that my stepmother will be making dinner." I answer.

"Wow! It must be serious since he called you but dinner with your family could mean many things. I don't want to get your hopes up but it could mean that your stepfamily is wanting to reach out and show you that they have changed since you have left." She says voicing my optimism.

"That's what I hope so too. He mentioned she was preparing dinner so it might be true." I want to hope that it must be.

"Well, whatever it is he wants to tell you, I just want to wish you luck on your visit." She says.

"Thanks, I've gotta go soon if I want to make it on time and pick up Xander," I say while looking at my wall clock by my desk.

"Xander is coming with you to your family's house?" Trina asks while looking at me like I grew a third eye.

"Yeah, he is. After the call with my father last night I called Xander to let him know my plans for today have changed. Knowing how my family is he asked if he could accompany me and I said yes. I know I shouldn't let him come along with me but I feel like I need someone to get me through this visit. You know?" I want him to be there because I need as much strength to face my family especially my father.

"I'm just worried for you but you too are for sure moving quickly. This is a huge step in your relationship with him." Trina says with a worried expression playing on her face.

"I understand," I can see why she thinks that I'm moving quickly with him but I feel that it's fair for him to see my family and where I grew up.

"I'm just concerned for you, but if this visit means you need someone there for you then I hope he understands. I wish it were me to go with you but I've got to start getting my shit together for this long week." She says rolling her eyes in mock annoyance and I giggle at the thought. I know Trina understands my feelings for this man and she doesn't want to see me get hurt. 

"I'm going to try and not keep you from your drive but I do suggest you get something to eat." She suggests. I nod and follow her to the kitchen. Trina makes a quick omelet and toast for both of us. After I finish eating, I notice that it's 11:30 and my drive to Xander's is going to take approximately 20-30 minutes to drive.

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