Chapter 10

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Yibo comes up to his unit after 2 hours. The door is unlocked. He gets into the house. His friends already scattered in the couch and floor.

"Guys! I asked you to come around to help me to clean up, not to sleepover!" Yibo shouts.

His friends look at him with sneers.

"What the fuck, dude! Didn't you see we are dying already??"  Guo Cheng retorts with his signature sour face.

"Dying of what? Haven't you taken your breakfast?" Yibo slams himself into the single couch,

"Don't you see how clean and tidy your house now, Bo?" FangXin sneers.

Yibo look around. Then he grins.

"Thanks, guys! You did an express work!" Yibo says.

"Express your ass! How long  you left us do your housework?" Guo Cheng snorts.

"Aiya... It's only a few minutes ago, guys... I guess 15 minutes!" Yibo replied.

Guo Cheng and Pei xin burying themselves alive six feet under.

"Shut up, Yibo! Don't say anything already! You can be the cause of the death of us!" Pei Xin scolds him.

"Huh? Do you think am I that violent?" Yibo confused.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Guo Cheng and Pei Xin shout in unison.

FangXin snorting with his friends' weirdness.

"Oh... Ok," Yibo obligate.

"By the way, how was your make up session with Xiao Zhan?" FangXin asks.

His two friends get up from their lying position and look at Yibo, waiting for the answer. Yibo moves his eyeballs to his friends, left and right. But never say anything.

"Hey! When are you going to answer?" Guo Cheng snaps.

Yibo still keeps quite.

"You don't want to share the story with us?" Pei Xin huffed.

Yibo smiles sweetly at Pei Xin. Pei Xin feel  nauseous already.

"Yibo? Why don't you talk?" FangXin asks him.

"Aish! You told me to stop talking, guys! When I quite then you ask me to speak! What the fuck, man??" Yibo retorts.

"We're asking you, of course you should talk!" Guo Cheng says sourly.

"You are not asking. But you all are being nosy! " Yibo slams his back into the backrest.

"If we're not nosy, that means we're don't care!" Pei Xin.

"Nosy is not because you care. But you are  bāguà!" Yibo reasoned.

"Whatever! Just tell us!" Guo Cheng patient runs thin.

Yibo takes a deep breath. He looks at his friends one by one. Then he takes a deep breath again. Looks at his friends one by one. Again. Take a deep breath and...

"I swear you cannot  breath anymore if you don't talk now!" Pei Xin snaps and hit the back of Yibo's head.

"Aww..! That's hurt, man...?" Yibo rubs his head.

"Next time, I won't hit your head with my hand. But I'll stab a knife on it already!" Pei Xin glares at him.

"Ok. I'll talk. Yesterday I met his sister and his nephew. Happy?" Yibo smirks.

"That's it?" Guo Cheng crunched his nose.

Yibo glance at him and nods.

"Then... H-how about the hickeys??" Pei Xin blurts out.

"Oh? That ones , shou shou made it!" Yibo smiles, proudly.

"Do you still dare to call him shou shou when you are the bottom??" Guo Cheng snickered.

"Ah! Who says??" Yibo flinches. His face blushing furiously.

"The way you walk like there is a ball beneath your legs!" Guo Cheng talks straight forward.

FangXin and Pei Xin are laughing out loud, until they are rolling in the deep... On the floor.

Yibo frowning. He folding his hands on the chest.

"Ha-ha! Very funny, guys!" He says, sarcastically.

"You are!" Says Pei Xin between his laugh.

"C'mon, guys...! Sometimes take turns is good in relationship!" Yibo declares.

" If so, then you can't decide who is the gong and who is the shou already!" FangXin blurts.

"Of course I'm still the gong! Can't you see Zhan Zhan is so cute, beautiful, fragile, needs to be taken care of.!" Yibo reasoned, defending  his tittle as a black stomach gong.

"Ok, ok...! Enough, guys! Stop laughing already! We're still need to investigate this guy!" Guo Cheng smirks, glancing at Yibo who is pouting now.

Pei Xin and FangXin get up to sit again.

"So? The woman and the kid which were with Xiao Zhan are his sister and nephew?" Guo Cheng asks Yibo.

Yibo curt nods.

"Did you meet them and talk to them?" FangXin.

Yibo nods again.

"Why did you talk about?" FangXin.

"Mmm... About she knows already about our relationship secretly. Their family is a homophobic, but his sister tries to accept us. But his father is the problem. He might againsts our relationship or even worse... He'll be able to disown Zhan Zhan if he knows about us..." Yibo tells his friends.

"Why don't you fight him like you did to your dad?" Asks Guo Cheng.

"Heyy ..... He's not my dad. I don't know him, I don't know his personality, character, everything. Zhan also never talk about him..!" Yibo replies.

"Maybe you should meet him once to get to know about him!" FangXin suggested.

Pei Xin and Guo Cheng curt nod in agreement.

"Thinking about meeting him only gives me a goosebumps already..!" Yibo rubs his two arms.

"How would you know if you don't meet him? He might like you!" Pei Xin snorts.

"I'm scared he'll dislikes me knowing that I'm crazy like this..." Yibo mumbles.

He's friends are snorting.

"Now you know!" Guo Cheng blurts.

"Aish! Leave it, guys! I don't want to stress myself by thinking about disapproved father in -law!" Yibo scratches his head. "I'm hungry!"

"Then let's go to the campus already! Our class will starts in about two more hours, anyway!" Pei Xin says.

"FangXin, give me a ride, dude! My back is ache!" Yibo tells FangXin.

"No problem!" Replies FangXin.

"Xiao Gong turns Xiao Shou.." Pei Xin snickered.

"Shut up!" Yibo retorts.

His friend laughing.

"I'll get change first!" Yibo gets up from his seat and proceeds to his room.

"Don't forget to change your underwear!" Pei Xin shouts.

"Yeah...! It must be smell like sin already!" Guo Cheng added.

"I don't wear underwear!" Yibo shouts from his room.

"Eeww...!" FangXin and Pei Xin make a disgust face.

" What's wrong with not wearing underwear? When I go to sleep I also never wear my underwear!" Guo Cheng retorts.

"Dude! Next time don't sleep next to me if you have a sleepover!" Pei Xin splutered.

FangXin giggles. While Guo Cheng is in a daze. Pei Xin already ran to the kitchen and spitting blood into the sink.

Please, bear with their disgusting habbits, guys! They're still young, carefree, careless, spoilt and ... It's comedy! No! It's a fanfiction! Yeah... It is.

Don't Touch My Shou Shou ! (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ