56. The Prom Wars (2)

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"Welcome to The Prom Wars!" Principal Gibson's voice echoed from speakers.

All of the couples were lined up on a makeshift stage. Principle Gibson stood upfront to address the crowd.

Everyone cheered like they were at a football game. Gia lead the cheer squad to get the crowd even more pumped up for Principal Gibson's announcement.

It was weird seeing people holding up glittery signs that said Jolan. I had a feeling Bee and Gia had something to do with it. They were really on top of the prom campaigning while Nolan and I were going through our issues.

Bee was sitting in the grass in a lawn chair with her mom. Mom and Taylor were supposed to be with them. Her chair was empty, though. Dad was supposed to pick up Taylor last night, but got hung up at work. When he didn't come that morning Mom just sent him a text to let him know she'd be at the school. Maybe he was here and Mom went to meet him.

I hadn't heard anything else about the custody battle. Part of me hoped Dad realized how shitty he was being and dropped it. But he was stubborn and selfish and whatever he wanted he had to have.

As I scanned the crowds to find Mom I found Nolan's dad instead. He was in the bleachers, holding up a sign that only he could've thought of. It had a cut out of a car that looked like my powder blue bug and a motorcycle with a hearts around them.

For the first time that day I had a genuine smile on my face. The thought of a grown man gluing hearts on a poster board brought me so much joy. It was so uncharacteristic of Billy, but I could easily picture Alison doing it. Maybe that's why he did it, because he knew she would've.

I turned to Nolan who was standing next to me, staring at his shoes. "You're dad's here."

His eyes shot up. When he saw his dad the faintest hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

Looking up at Nolan just then unlocked a flood of memories, starting with the day we met in my driveway. Him in greasy coveralls, scowling like he was mad at the world. And he was. Because we lived in a world where cancer wasn't curable and his mother was dying.

It didn't occur to me until that very moment that I wasn't the only one with abandonment issues. He had them as well. That's why he was so determined to leave Bellcreek when we first met. That's why he was such a jerk, keeping everyone at arm's length so they couldn't get in and then leave.

But he let me in. He trusted me just like I trusted him. Of course he wouldn't leave me. He knew how much that would hurt. Why couldn't I have come to that conclusion weeks ago?

When Nolan said he loved me he meant it. When he said he'd never leave he meant it. But I questioned it. All because I let what was happening with my dad to cloud my judgement.

"I'm sorry."

Nolan's gaze shifted to me.

"I screwed up," I continued before he could shut me down like he did earlier. "This stuff with my dad had my head all messed up. And I-"

An air horn blared, interrupting me. Principal Gibson spoke next, "Alright, now that we have the rules out of the way, lets meet our players."

We were introduced one by one. The crowd went wild for each couple as they stepped forward and waved or blew kisses or did a goofy pose.

When Nolan and I were called I saw that Mom was back in her chair minus Taylor. Dad must've came to get her. Mom didn't let that dampen her mood like it usually did. Her, Bee and Rachel each held a sign that together read JADE + NOLAN = QUEEN & KING.

"Let the games begin!" Principal Gibson shouted, setting off another round of cheers.

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