10. You Hate Everyone

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"Did you hear Mr. Lee called his students a bunch of jackasses? Apparently, someone put a Hershey's bar—No! A Snickers. Maybe it was York patty? Anyway, someone put chocolate in his—It was a KitKat! Yeah! Because Joshua Lowe started singing the song..."

Gia started singing, trying to remember the exact words to the KitKat jingle. Bee used her drink to hide the pleading look she gave me from her new admirer. I bit back a smile as I turned to the perky blonde in front of me.

"Hey, Gia?"

She stopped butchering the jingle, her blue eyes dropping to me, a huge grin spreading across her face. "Yeah?"

"Uhm..." I pointed at my nose. She tilted her head, not understanding. "You got a uh..."

She understood that time. Her jaw dropped as she covered her nose. "Oh my gosh! I'll be right back," she said as she grabbed her bag and headed out of the cafeteria.

"A booger?" Bee questioned. "You could've come up with something better than that."

"Hey, it got the job done," I countered, eating a fry.

"Oh! I got the Etsy up!" she exclaimed. "I'm still not a hundred percent sure how the site works, but we'll figure it out."

Last night, after I told her about everything, we took the paintings to her house to figure the best way to sale them. Her step-dad gave us the idea of Etsy because apparently Mrs. Hatton buys a lot of "junk" from that site.

"Someone will buy them," he told us, moment before his wife came in an insisted on buying one of the painting for the guest bedroom.

"No hit yet, but soon," she promised. "Have you talked to your mom about the job?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not in the mood to get yelled at again."

"I'd totally help you with Taylor, but babies scare me," she said, eyes wide. "What do you do if they're choking? And diapers? I can't clean up another person's poop."

I laughed picking up my burger.

"Her comes your knight in shining armor," she said, looking over my shoulder.

When I turned Nolan was looming over me. I tensed, what happened yesterday playback in my mind. The glass, the crying, I felt sick.

He didn't look like his normal pissed off self. The way he kept pushing his hair behind his ears made me think he was...nervous?

"Uh, can we talk?" He asked, glancing around the crowded cafeteria then at Bee. "Somewhere else. Alone."

"You know she's just going to tell me everything later, right?" Bee said. "We don't keep secrets."

That sick feeling I had intensified. I still hadn't told her about the money I stole. Or about the stuff people had being saying about. Or about Nick and the game. There was so much I was keeping from her.

"Jade?" Nolan looked down at me expectantly.

"Yeah, okay." I stood up, grabbing my backpack.

"I expect a detailed report when you get back." Bee winked. Her amused expression dropped when an overly enthusiastic voice called her name.

Gia slid back into her seat, diving into something she overheard in the bathroom. Bee looked like she was getting teeth pulled.

I went to grab my tray, but Nolan beat me to it, dumping it for me. He lead me outside to the quad where students who didn't want to eat indoors were scattered across picnic tables or in the grass.

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