Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Dad is that you?" Annalisa whispered into frosty darkness that surrounded her. Her eyes remained screwed shut like she was instructed to do so by Slade. His grip on her hand tightened slightly as the icy breeze rushed pass them. Unintentionally, she shuffled closer to him until her body brushed against his. She felt comforted knowing he was with her. She hated being alone in the unknown. At least one of them knew what to expect about this underworld or limbo where she is.

Instantly, the atmosphere shifted. Annalisa furrowed her brows in confusion. It was so quiet and still. She waved a hand into the darkness and was startled when she didn't detect Slade's presence. She swallowed nervously. What the hell? Where did he go? Would he really leave me here all alone? I'm scared....She was dying to open her eyes to figure out what to do next. Her heart dropped in her gut. Nothing was making sense.

"Annalisa? Please help me! I don't know what is happening!" Her father cried, his panicked voice reached her ears. Annalisa felt conflicted. Ignore it. That's not your father remember what Slade said. Annalisa reminded herself firmly.

Despite what she told herself. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore her father's desperate pleas for her to help him. Annalisa didn't know what to do. Slade never said anything about him leaving. Her father's voice was only getting louder which made it unbearable for her to endure it for much longer.

"HELP ME!!! PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU," Her father screamed madly in her ears.

Annalisa covered her ears in an attempt to block him out. But his voice remained clear as day in her head. Tears brimmed behind her closed eyelids. She tried to keep her composure, but it was damn near impossible.


Annalisa stood completely still. She couldn't push herself to walk any further. His screams were driving her insane.


Her heart was beating rapidly against her rib cage. She was shaking all over. She didn't know if she could take anymore of his yelling. Her tears steadily ran down her face and moistened her chapped lips along the way. She wrapped her arms around herself as she rocked back and forth on her heels anxiously.

Just like that all the shrieks stopped. It was so silent she could hear a pin drop. All the stifling heaviness in the air disappeared. Annalisa let out a ragged breath of relief. She was grateful for the beautiful silence. She stayed in that spot until she able to get her breathing and heart rate under control. That ordeal had her quite shaken up.

She slowly opened her eyes.

Right there was Slade's worried face staring back at her. "Annalisa? Annalisa? Come back! You're not alone!"

Panic wormed it's way around her body. If Slade is right there....then where am I? What is happening? I'm not alone? Oh God. Annalisa felt sick to her stomach with apprehension.

His eyes flickered behind her. An expression of dread overtook his features. It made her uneasy. Goosebumps erupted all over her arms and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

She's never seen him look so alarmed. Can he see something that I can't? What is going on? Does he know where I am? As soon as she opened her mouth to question him. He uttered one word filled with urgency.


Author's Note.
I know this is such a short filler chapter. But it's been so long so I wanted to give my readers something! A longer chapter is already being written by me. I love you guys so much <3

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя