Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"So, are you going to work today?" Ella asked as she glanced at Annalisa out the corner of her eye. Annalisa leaned against the couch and continued to channel surf for something on television.

Annalisa sighed wearily, she definitely didn't feel like going to work. She couldn't go to sleep last night knowing that creature was still out there. All she wanted to do was stay in bed, but then again that idea didn't seem like a good one because the monster might show it's face again. Just thinking about it had a shiver creep down her spine. Tightening the quilt around her body she answered. "Yes I am."

Ella shot her a worried look. "Are you sure? You don't look so good, Anna."

Annalisa only nodded as a yawn tore through her mouth. She only had 2 hours before work and she really didn't want to go. Her eyes were watering from exhaustion. She rubbed her eyes as she stood up.

"I'm going to take a shower," She informed Ella as she scampered away, not waiting for a response.

Annalisa didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was absolutely terrified to go back to the room where the monster was last seen. She was scared to know if it was still there or not. She slowly walked down the dimly lit hallway of her apartment. Various pictures of relatives decorated the plain walls. The corridor seemed to stretch.

Her heart crashed against her chest as she neared her room. The door was wide open, so Annalisa  could see a glimpse of her bed. She let out a sigh of relief when she glanced around her room and saw it was empty, not an evil creature in sight. Annalisa didn't know what to expect anymore. However, she knew it would be back. That thought alone chilled her to her very core. How would I fight it off? How will I save myself and keep it away from me?

Annalisa decided to shove those thoughts aside. If she continued to dwell on those thoughts she would drive herself crazy with fear and paranoia of what is to come. Annalisa didn't even know if it was real, but she's never been the type to have an overactive imagination.

Something was telling her everything she's seen is real.


Annalisa continued to glance at the small clock on her desk, praying that time would slow down so she won't have to go home. Which was ironic in itself. Any other day she would be ecstatic that time is flying. She'd be happy to go home quick as possible.

Not today, she has been paranoid since she stepped out of her apartment. She's been glancing over shoulder every second, and never being alone anywhere even in the washroom.

Her heart raced as she thought of going to her apartment. She was terrified that beast would be waiting for her. Maybe she could stay over at Ella's for a few days. Actually that's not too bad, I could stay over there until I'm sure the monster is gone and began to resume my life. A small smile crept up her face as she thought about it.

Annalisa began to stack up the files that she finally sorted out. It was definitely a long process, but now she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Annalisa worked as a secretary in a law firm downtown. It was very well known and often had a lot of business.

Her boss was actually a young man who she indeed despised.  He's very handsome, but was a womanizer. Annalisa had seen many women enter his office through all times of the day in very revealing outfits. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what activities he engaged in with them. Not only that, but he was arrogant, stuck up and egotistical.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum