Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Annalisa let out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. She couldn't believe it was there right behind her, looking as demonic as ever. It's red eyes were trained on her, sick amusement gleaming in it's eyes.

She thought staying at Ella's house would keep her safe, but a new realization hit her. It would always find her no matter where she tried to hide. She wanted to move, but she was frozen in fear.

It just stood there hovering behind her quietly watching with a sadistic grin on it's gruesome face. A smile that literally stretched from ear to ear. Blood leaked all over her shoulder, drenching her clothes.

Bile rose in her throat when a chunk of human flesh fell in her hair. The creature opened it's mouth and a flood of maggots crawled out of it. They slithered all over Annalisa's shoulder, into her clothing and hair.

Above her the lights flickered. Suddenly, she was engulfed into complete darkness.

At that moment, the bathroom door was flung open. Slade turned on the light switch. His expression was startled and confused. Once he got a full view of Annalisa, his expression morphed into one full of horror.

"What happened to you?" He breathed, panic seeping into his voice. He rushed to her. She only continued to stare into the mirror, her blue eyes wide with unshed tears. There was blood everywhere all over her body. The maggots were still crawling all in her hair and on her shoulder.

The coppery smell made her want vomit, her body was trembling as fear ran through her veins. She could distantly hear someone talking. She blinked and finally took notice of Slade was calling her name. "Annalisa?"

She glanced at him, her eyes were swimming with terror. She stared at Slade's horrified expression and it dawned on her that this monster was indeed real. Deep down, she was praying that this wasn't real. It was nothing, but a figment of her imagination.

"Oh my God, it's real! It's real, it's real." Annalisa cried as tears streamed down her face. It seemed like it was going to find her wherever she was. She didn't know what she was going to do. She momentarily forgot that she was covered in blood, maggots and human flesh but Slade didn't.

"You seriously need to wash yourself up, because I'm not going to come any closer to you. I want to know what the hell happened in here." He barked, his cold voice wavering slightly. Annalisa knew that she wasn't the only one who was frightened. Anyone with eyes would be.

Annalisa wanted to groan aloud when Ella choose that moment to come home. She heard the front door slam open and the distant sound of jiggling keys. She knew that Ella would share the same expression as her brother if she saw this mess.

Annalisa was scared that Ella would kick her out and never want to see her again. She didn't want to be alone to deal with this creature. Annalisa had to quit this sobbing feast and do some quick thinking.

"Please Slade don't tell Ella! I need to tell her myself. I don't want her to panic." She pleaded, her voice dropping to a mere whisper.

He stared at her long and hard, his green eyes intensely focused on her. Her expression was silently begging him, her eyes crystallizing with tears as he didn't say anything. He finally nodded. "Okay, I won't. If you don't want me to tell her you're going to have to explain all of this to me." His voice left no room for arguments.

She nodded, her expression instantly expressed relief and gratitude. Suddenly, bile rose in her throat. She dashed to the toilet just in time for her stomach to churning with nausea. She emptied out the contents of her stomach in the toilet. Once she finished, she wiped her mouth with back of hand.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum