Chapter 6: Die Now

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My mom and I didn't even get 100 feet away from the house. She stopped her bike, and I stopped mine behind her. Looking ahead of us, I saw something that looked like a black dog. It was a big one.

"What? Why did we stop? It's just a dog," I said.

"That's no dog," my mother said. "That's a demon."

I looked at the dog again. Demon? I saw that it had red eyes and that's it. Other than that, it was a dog with curly black fur. Looked like a really dark Boxer. Before I could think more about, the dog showed it's teeth as it neared closer towards us. Razor-sharp teeth. The dog drooled and started to bark, not giving us enough time to run.

My mother stared at the dog. "They want the ring and we can't let them get it," she said, showing no emotion.

I looked at my ring. Why was it so important? I didn't have time to ask my mom because sounds started coming from behind us. I turned around and saw my aunt and uncle's body walking towards us.

There we were, trapped between a demon dog and my dead uncle and my zombie looking aunt. To add more to our horrors, walking behind the dog was the same masked person I had seen when I was trapped in the cop car. I couldn't believe it.

"Shit," my mom cursed. "This is not okay."

"Are they going to kill us?" I panicked.

Uncle Peter and Aunt Cindy limped in our direction. Each time they would take a step, their legs would buckle underneath them and make some disturbing crunching sound. They started hissing at us.

"Hey mom, do you still have that gun by any chance?" I whispered.

She looked at the dog and pulled the handgun from her back pocket "Yes," she pointed it at the dog, but her hand started shaking.

"!" she sounded terrified.

I watched in terror as the gun began to move towards her head.

"Helena!" My mother forced the words out of her mouth.

I looked at the man with the white mask. He had his hand stretched out in my mother's direction. I quickly tried to pry the gun away, but I couldn't.

"TH..THE...RING...GROUND." My mother said through gritted teeth. She could barely make the words come out.

Suddenly dog barked four times and growled. "Mom!" I yelled. "I don't know what to do!" I said, still trying to get the gun away from her.


"Hand on the ground!?" I asked twice. Her finger reached the trigger, but she didn't pull. I quickly put my hand on the ground. As soon as I did, my mother's gun dropped, and she had control of herself again.

The dog ran towards us. My mother picked up the gun once again and aimed for the dog's face. The bullet shot straight through its teeth, however, it didn't stop the dog from jumping on me. I screamed as the dog took a bloody bite of my arm. I felt its teeth sink into my arm, however, the dog backed away quickly afterward. The pain was intense, and it felt like hot knives had pushed against my skin. My ring began to glow, and I felt my skin tingle.

All of a sudden, the dog started whimpering. Gray smoke evaporated off of his body. I struggled to my feet and ran to my mother, leaning on her for support with my legs feeling like noodles. My mom and I watched as the dog's body turned into complete smoke that vanished into the air.

The man in the mask ran towards us. His long black coat swayed as he focused on me. My mother pulled my ring off of my finger then pointed it at the man. Nothing happened so she put it back on me.

"Point at him and say, '"MutanAl An. HELENA, NOW!" My mother screamed.

I was so light-headed that the man grabbed my hand and took off his mask. His face was unwelcoming and terrifying. He had no eyes, just deep holes. He had no nose, and his mouth stretched and started hanging towards his chin. It stretched as he roared at me. His entire face looked like it burnt to a crisp. He opened his mouth while staring at me.

"Uhh Uhh," I stuttered. "MtanAl An!" I screamed.

The creature let go of me, and his body started to shake. Just like the dog, his body released a gray smoke that kept rising into the air until all of him vanished. My mother took my hand and pulled me away. As I watched the smoke disappear, I heard something. It sounded like someone said, "See the moon."

I flinched, remembering my aunt and uncle. Their bodies were on the ground not moving. My breathing was so heavy that I thought I would stop breathing at any moment. "Mom," I said thinking about what it had said but what I possibly heard. "It said see you soon."

"See you soon," I repeated seconds later, my voice slowly drifting off.

Everything in front of me became blurry. My head started spinning, and I was beginning to feel dizzy.


That was the last thing I heard before blacking out into my mother's arms.

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