Chapter 22: Cheers

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"So where is this book of sacrifices?" I asked while Joe slowly moved through the trees, checking in to see if we were being followed by anyone or anything.

"Pretty close," he grunted. "I think."

"You think?" I raised my hands in the air. "Why would you kidnap me if you're unsure? Why do anything you did?"

"Hey," he stopped lurking around, then turned to me. "Do you mind shutting up? We have no alcohol, so you're an easy target right now, kid. We need to get into town. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being on the streets."

We continued walking. I couldn't help but study the skin on his hands and the back of his neck; how he looked so human for something demonic. How could I be walking with him right now? I went on in my head about how any of this was possible. I started thinking about my mother and getting sad. Suddenly a craving for alcohol came across my mind.

"Hey Joe," I called his name and paused. "Can't I teleport us to a town or something?"

He chuckled. "Not yet. Your fears could get you locked in the wrong place. The wrong realm, Helena. You have to learn control." Joe stopped and pointed. "There's a town," he pointed. 

I looked beyond the trees ahead and saw a few homes, streets, lights, fires, stores, and a bar.

 "Wait," I turned to Joe. "can you drink alcohol?"

"Yes," he said.

"But can't they track you too if I'm with you," I asked.

"They won't smell me when I'm around you," he turned from me and looked forward. "How do I know you're not leading them to me?"

He glimpsed and smirked before turning back around. "Nobody wants nothin' to do with me, kid. Even you. Even your mom."

I was about to ask him about my mother but didn't want to make myself feel sadder than I already was. Part of me killed her off in the mind of my head. I felt like she wasn't a part of my world anymore. She barely was when she was around. However, another part of me...maybe ten percent of me thinks she could be out there. Trapped. I mean, Joe had Bishop. He could have had my mother too. I wasn't sure. I could make a run from it now but I know he's the only one that could possibly help me.

"Rattlesnakes," Joe muttered before spitting at the bar steps. 

"Disgusting," I called out to Joe. A couple walked down the steps passed us and scrunched their smug little faces at Joe's spit.

"Wouldn't be the most...disgusting thing in this bar," he said.

The bar was small, smelly, and grungy. Big dudes were smoking, sitting next to drunk women going off about their jobs and annoying bosses. They could've been the wives. No one thought to welcome us in or even acknowledge our presence.

"Come on," Joe guided me to one of the tables by the window. We sat opposite one another, watching each other as the other sat down. His brown eyes seem to switch between brown and complete darkness. This is the one thing distinguishing him from being fully human like myself. His eyes changed, and if people could look at him well enough, they would know something wasn't right.

"I'm going to the bar so they don't ask your age and kick us out," Joe said. He then got up and headed to the bar. One of the girls and their husband or something was looking over at me and pointing fingers.

I nervously looked away and began playing with my fingers. Covering the ring and saying silent prayers that all of this works out. 

I must've really dissociated because the woman and big dude approached us.

"Hey beautiful," this blonde hot stuff blows a cig at my table. Her husband stood by close, not taking his eyes off of me. "Who you here with? Aren't you too young to date dudes his age?" Her voice was squeaky and annoying. The smoke was giving me a headache already. Whatever she was smoking was the worst brand I've ever smelt.

Before I could say anything, Joe pushed passes the dude and his wife. My eyes widened because Joe is skinny and not a built sort of dude. The way he pushed the woman as well quickly enraged the big dude. As if nothing happened, Joe sat a Stell in front of me. He stares at me for a moment and smiles. "Cheers," he said.

The big dude slams a fist on the table and pushes Joe's beer on him. "You don't know how to say excuse me?"

Still smiling, Joe reaches for a napkin by me and starts dabbing the beer that clearly had his paints soaked.

"Oh man, get ready, Helena," he starts chuckling.

At this point, I'm so confused as to why he didn't let it go quickly. Instead, he keeps entertaining what just happened.

Joe looks at the guy. "Shay." He said. "Your name is Shay."

"It's Shane, you asshole," He corrected Joe.

"Shane, let's go. This man is weird," the woman tugged Shane's shirt. "Come on now."

"I want to know why this man is with this young girl," Shane looked at me.

"I wish I could ask the same thing," Joe threw the wet napkin to the floor and grabbed another dry one. "but you both look old as hell. Get a life booze cake. You smell like shit."

Shane looks at the beer still dripping onto Joe.  He lets out a loud laugh that came from his gut. "I had enough fun. You look like a loser. Go change your pants."

Shane and the woman walked back over to the bar.

The bartender came with another beer for Joe, giving the others a side-eye. "Sorry about that. Those dudes have been annoying all night."

"Have they?" Joe said, still wiping the spill. "What could we do about that?"

The bartender shrugged. He seemed confused and ignore the question. "Back to the bar. I'm over there if you need something else."

I let out a deep breath and looked at Joe. "Cheers?"

He nodded and smiled. "Cheers."

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