Chapter 9: Who Was Behind the Shack

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Tell me how I found myself more aware of my surroundings. In a way, being more aware caused me to feel a bit stiff. I don't know if I liked noticing everything. Time seemed to moving just a bit faster than the normal. Is this what it felt like to be drunk? I asked Bishop about it and she had told me normally it's the opposite.

"I feel all flippy floppy," she laughed and sat down on an old dusty pillow that was on the floor. I sat next to her. She smiled at me. A big goofy smile. "Maybe I'm a bit drunk."

"We both are," I laughed then stopped. I started thinking of my mother. I tried to stop myself cause I felt my anxiety build up but it wouldn't stop. Before I knew it, I was having an anxiety attack.

"Darn," I said holding my heart. "I think it's time for me to hit the hay."

"Awh man, really?" She looked at me and held up two open beers. "I thought we could have maybe one more. Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I said. "It's late. We got a lot done. I just feel anxious and a bit tired."

She scooted closer to me. "What's wrong?"

I didn't feel like talking about it. In fact, thinking about it made me tear up. I covered my eyes with my hands. "I'm sorry," I tried to laugh it off but all you could hear was the hurt. "I didn't mean to get so emotional."

Bishop got up and took both our beers to the small cooler without ice. She then went over to me, took my hand and led me back to the shack. She let me lean on her for support as we walked through the chilly darkness together. She chuckled trying to keep her balance and mine. I laughed as well. It was quite funny yet so surreal at the same time. Being with her felt so unreal in that moment. I couldn't describe what I felt but I didn't want it to end but at the same time I did. It was a moment of...content? Just for a second. However, the second it arrived it also vanished. 

She opened the shack, lit a candle, and got me to the bed. She handed me a large T-shirt. It was a bit dirty with food stains but I didn't mind. "Mind if I sleep here with you tonight? I just want to make sure you'll be alright."

"Yeah, sure," I said. "like next to me?"

I realized what I said.

"That's still fine though," I clarified.

The bed wasn't huge but it could fit us both if we squeezed. Bishop laughed. "I could sleep on the floor if-"

"No," I said. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure if you were comfortable with that. I don't mind at all."

She smiled. "I'm glad we're on the same page."

The two of us got into the little bed that was once so uncomfy when I got there. When I laid down next to Bishop, there was a little since of comfort. Why didn't I feel like this? Why was I feeling so much. To add more to my intense feelings, Bishop wrapped her hand around my waist and I felt her body against mine. My heart stopped.

"Things will get better," she whispered before turning over-her arm lightly lifting off my body. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I said quite then I meant to.

I laid there the whole night being smothered by my feelings of confusing...


The next day I woke up feeling like I haven't drank water in years. Bishop wasn't in the bed but as if she knew I was going to wake up thirst, there was a glass of water next to my bed. I drank all of it and already needed more. After I got dressed, I walked out of the shack. No one was around. I didn't see Bishop in site. My guess is that she had went to town. Everything that morning was calm. The wind was calm. The trees were calm. The birds flying around didn't whistle and landed without sound. 

Normally there's always a calm before a storm though, right?

I made my way towards the shack to see if Bishop would be there, however as the shack came more and more into site, I saw something move behind it. Almost as if someone was behind the shack hiding. I thought it was Bishop playing games so I ran behind the shack. "Bishop, is that y-"

I stopped in fear as I saw someone standing there with their back faced to me, unable to see the face. The body of a person with a shaved head. All black withered clothing. Their arms were crossed, holding their forearms tightly as if they were freezing.

"Helena,"  The thing said. 

Oh how my knees buckled when I heard it. Two or more voices. Not one. Multiple. The thing slowly began to turn around, but I didn't stick around to find out. I started to run.

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