Chapter 23|Noah

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"What do I do now?" I asked Conner after I told him everything.

"I don't know what to tell you. It's not like you could not be a dumbass. It's something you're born with." He shrugs never leaving his eyes from the video game he plays.

"I'm so glad I can count on you." I say sarcastically with a flat tone.

"I speak my truth dude! You're so hang up on her reputation that you miss the point. I mean, the girl has the hots for you it's crystal clear. I don't get why you keep push her away. Focus on the forest not the tree. Or something like that." He says pausing his game. I look at him and think what's he is saying.

"You know, you should find a lady friend and talk about these things. I'm not very good with sharing feelings and braiding each other's hair." He says, his face full of disgust. I laugh out loud enjoying how uncomfortable he looks.

"Yeah, no, thank you." I say and he sighs disappointed.

"That's too bad. I miss the old days when it was just cars, video games and movies. No chick-lit moments." He shakes his head and takes a huge gulp from a carton of orange juice.

" Speaking about cars I think it maybe time for you to order the part we need for my baby." I say smiling and i see him choking spilling juice here and there. After a series of coughing he looks at me dumbfounded.

"You serious?"

"Yeah. I was ruffling through some paperwork today and happened to fall on the salaries transactions. It's more than enough. Not only for the car but I start paying off my student loan." I say smiling feeling lucky for the first time in my life.

"Ok! That's some news now!! I'll make some calls then."


"Will come to the frat party tonight?" Mark,my roommate said to me breaking my train of thought. I was debating whether or not I should send her a message,maybe try to make amends, hence the phone in my hand.

"Dude, it's Monday." I said looking not interested at all. He scoffed right to my face.

"So? Haven't you learn anything the past 3 years? Days don't matter." With that he fell down on his bed with a loud thud wearing a stupid smug smile on his face.

"Well, then you should know by now that I don't go to parties. Plus I'm working tomorrow after school so thanks but no thanks."

He swift his way on his elbow and looks at me.

"I still can't believe how you managed to get a job at Brody Lines. And with pay of all things. Lucky son of a bitch." He shake his head and his eyes light up. "I heard Rachel Brody will be there tonight. Maybe you should come and try to know her better, you know to secure your position there." He smirks and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep inside all the swearing I thought to lay upon him. He is an idiot for sure, but he knows stuff like that. If he say she is going,then it's guaranteed she is going. I think about for a moment. Maybe a party is not the best place I should apologize but I'm scared that if I try an one on one thing she's gonna reject me.

"On second thought count me in." I say and he literally jumps up.

"For real?" He says surprised.

"Consider it a one time thing." I don't want him badgering me about parties all the time. This is different, it's just means to an end.


We arrive at the party and it's already buzzing with loud music and lots of people are scattered all around the place laughing and drinking. Man, this was a huge mistake!

First of all the house is huge, which is completely logical given the fact that is a frat house, not to mention the large garden out front along with the backyard of the same size. Yet everywhere I look is filled with people. How am I supposed to find her??? I'm not a dog to sniff her!!!


Huge, huge mistake.

"Let's grab something to drink" Mark yells close to my ear so I can hear him over the loud music and I nod. A beer can calm my nerves. But only one. Alcohol can be a bitch in the aftermath and I need my mind sharp in case I run into her.

We are walking through a long hallway to reach the kitchen. Well, walking is a bit of a stretch. We are actually pushing people to clear a path. Oh, God I hate it! I hate it so freaking much. How can they stand it? Who likes to be pushed around and stumbled upon all night long?

After two excruciating minutes we reach the kitchen and Mark hands me a red cup. I sniff it just to make sure it's a beer. Well, it looks like it, it smells like it and I hope to God I don't die tonight from it. Things are quieter here and a little more spacious so I take a breath. I take a sip from my cup. Ok, it's a beer. It sucks but it's beer. I take a look to the backyard from the window. There are fairy lights are decorated all around and things are calmer there. That's more like it. Maybe i should go there.

"Ok, let's go." Mark says slapping my arm to make look at him.

"Where?" I was hoping he'll say outside.

"To the living room dude. Let's dance and meet some drunken chicks and try to score with them." He says almost jumping around. I bet money he is high on something. The energy on this guy,man!

I groan but I nod, making him clap his hands enthusiastically as he turns to leave. I follow behind him but I'm practically brooding.

We turn left and we are in the living room that is transformed into a huge dance floor packed with people dancing frantically. I sigh devastated. It's gonna be a long night. Long,long night.

"Hey, I'm gonna go say hi to a few people. You gonna be ok alone for a while?" Mark yells again in my ear.

"Just go. I'm a big boy, I'll manage." I yell back and he nods. I lean on the wall putting my free hand in my jeans pocket as a take a sip from my drink. Look at all these people. They seem to enjoy themselves. I don't get why.

Something catches my eye from the far left corner of the room and I find myself moving towards there. I don't know why, I just do.

I push some people out of the way and I instantly freeze.

My breath is knocked out of my chest as I lay my eyes on her. She is dancing around a few people seductively swaging her hips along with music looking so hot with that dusty pink mini dress leaving her back bare and her legs seem longer on those high heels and way too exposed. Her smoky eyes are sparking and her lips are painted a vibrant red looking so full.

Everything around me seem to fade away, I can't even here the music anymore. She is the only thing I can see right now. It's like a spotlight is on her making her shine.

I must have been staring for a long time because she turns her head to look up sensing that someone is looking at her. I mean everyone is looking at her but I was staring a bit too much. She looks around for a while and when her eyes meet mine she stops moving. Her expression changed rapidly from being totally carefree to tense in a matter of seconds. I should say something, make a move.

Man up, asshole!!

It takes me a few seconds to regain control and I nod to her to follow me outside.

Please, please, follow me!!

A/N:So here it is people!!! Hope you enjoy it and if you do don't forget to vote. As always feel free to comment!! Your reactions give so much to the story!!and keep me motivated!
A special thanks to JaneNola for the support and for pushing me in the best way to write this chapter!! Thanks girl, you are an angel!!! Nerd queen out of the night!!!
PS: the picture above is Rachel's dress
Don't forget to vooooteee!!!!

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