Chapter 12|Noah

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I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed that! Made me grin like a fool the rest of the day gaining weird looks from people but it was so worth it!

Did she actually liked me though? Seemed like it, given that she was practically numb when I teased her earlier but I still had my doubts. What can I say I'm a suspicious king of guy! With a hell of self-control that I didn't know that I had. I was so close to just grab her and kiss the hell out of her but somehow I managed to control my urges. I couldn't exactly decide if I was happy or disappointed with that decision and that said a lot.

The rest of the day passed in a blink of an eye and I found myself outside of Dan's office. I lightly clear my throat for his secretary to notice me. She slowly raised her sight and smiled politely at me.

"Ah, Mr. Cooper. We have been waiting for you. Here take this." She handed me a keycard with my name on it. Apparently I was official included in the company's stuff. "You'll need the keycard to have full access in the building. Now Mr. Brody waits for you to show you your office."

"My what?" I said dumbfounded pushing my glasses up my nose out of awkwardness.

"Well, your office of course. You are currently placed next door as your job entails a close co-operation with Mr. Brody." She said plainly like she'd done this a thousand times before.

I, on the other hand, felt like the luckiest son of a bitch of all time. I mean, come on! My own office! Don't tell me that's not something big!

"Thank you, um.., Mrs. Dawn." I said looking the keycard clipped on her shirt to check her name.

"Linda, please." she said politely "Now go in, he's expecting you." I nodded and walked right at Dan's door feeling nervous. I knocked lightly and when I heard him say come in I opened the door.

His eyes lighted up when he saw me.

"Ah, Noah. My protégé. Welcome!" he said smiling widely. He stood up and shook my hand.

"I see Linda gave you the keycard. Now let me show you your office so you can start right away. As you can see the work has piled up!" He said pointing at his desk which was a mess of scatted paperwork all over.

As we were about to leave a man came in. He was wearing a black suit with a matching tie and a blue shirt underneath it that looked quite expensive. He was really tall and thin, with not a single hair on his head. He was at his mid-fifties and seemed in a rush.

"Danny... oh, excuse me I didn't realize you had company." He said when his eyes met mine. I felt a shiver down my spine when he scanned me with those pitch black eyes through his round glasses. Scary dude, I'll tell you that much.

"Uncle Jeffry let me introduce you to Noah Cooper. Newest member of our stuff. He is going to help me now that dad is overseas." Dan said and patted my shoulder.

The bald guy took a good look at me and I wanted to jump out my own skin. He made me feel that uncomfortable. After a long minute that seemed to last a decade he shook my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said with a low steady voice. I swear to god I heard it kind of snake-ish. The way you expect Voldemort would talk like. Maybe it's my imagination that runs wild but my instincts were screaming at me to keep away from this guy.

"You too." I managed to say and put my poker face on keeping my expression as blank as possible.

"Did you need something?" Dan said breaking the silence.

"Nothing major. Don't mind me. I'll come back later. Well, I'll leave you two to it." With that he nodded at us and left.

"That was our Vice President, in case you are wondering. He is dad's closest partner and holds about the 40% shares of our company." Dan said as we were walking down the hall to get to my office. Wow, it seems surreal to even think that I actually have an office.

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